The last official week of the summer season was typical from a regulatory standpoint; a little of this, a little of that. Hopefully, everyone is ready for the fall and its attendant change in the weather and the nature of many activities. Be sure that whether you are at work or play, that you factor…
DG Digest: OSHA Requests Extension on ICR Contained in HAZWOPER Program
This edition of the DG Digest publishes on September 11th—today is the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11/2001 terror attacks. The Labelmaster family joins all Americans in remembering those we lost on that awful day, and the first responders and military personnel that have given so much since then. It’s a short digest this week, as…
DG Digest: PHMSA and FRA reverse 2020 rule, suspend authorization of liquefied natural gas (LNG) transport in rail tank cars.
Labor Day has come and gone. Hopefully, you had a great summer, topped out by a relaxing long holiday! Today (if you’re reading this on Tuesday) is the traditional day when most schoolchildren return to classes. That means busier roads, crosswalks, and lots of excited little ones out much earlier than has been the case…
DG Digest: The FRA Extends Comment Period That Would Impose New Certification Requirements.
We head into the final week of August with high heat persisting in many areas of the country. Although the autumn might be just around the corner, now’s no time to let up on our precautions against heat related illness and injury. Let’s remain vigilant and help protect our co-workers until things start to cool…
DG Digest: PHMSA Publishes Incident Reporting FAQ’s
The Labelmaster family joins all Americans in mourning the terrible loss of life and devastation associated with the wildfires on the island of Maui in Hawaii. Many avenues are available to offer assistance to those affected, and we share the hope that the people of Maui will soon get the help they need. It’s also…
DG Digest: IATA Publishes List of “Significant Changes” for the Upcoming 65th Edition of the DGR.
Here we are in the middle of August already. Where does summer fly off to? Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to enjoy it a little—if not, you have a couple of weeks left, so get on out there. It’s a “two-weeker” in the blog this time! After a super-quiet first week, the second week was…
DG Digest: Federal agencies publish semi-annual agendas
After a busy regulatory period for the last blog entry, this last week featured a much quieter time. Meanwhile summer goes on, so keep watching those heat safety risks. And don’t forget to have a little fun—August is the last month of summer, so be sure to try and enjoy it! Here’s the latest news:…
Transport Canada publishes a large miscellaneous update to its TDG regulations
Here we are sweltering in late July! Much of the nation is in the grip of record-breaking heat, so all of us need to be sure to pay extra attention to heat safety—let’s keep our fellow employees protected from heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both potentially dangerous conditions that can severely injure or even be…
DG Digest: PHMSA seeks feedback on modernization of its Hazardous Materials Regulations
Now that the Independence Day holiday has come and gone, here we are in the full swing of summer. Make sure that your workplace has a solid plan in place to mitigate the effects of the inevitable hot weather, and to safely account for the absence of employees that are away on vacation—it’s “prime time”…
DG Digest: PHMSA publishes rule which requires rail carriers to provide greater levels of information about hazardous materials.
PHMSA published the proposed rule discussed here last week which will require rail carriers to provide greater levels of information about hazardous materials in train consists to first responders when potentially dangerous incidents occur. A BNSF train rolls through a curve near Rock Island, Washington in July of 2017. Image © 7/2017 by Nikki Burgess;…