Amazingly enough, here comes mid-August. One thing that means is that over the course of the next two weeks, a lot of college students will be packing up and heading back to school. And what will they be packing? Among many other things, a lot of lithium battery powered devices. Now is a good time…
Label Finder Updates Include International Shipping Options
In the fast-paced world of Dangerous Goods (DG) compliance, selecting the proper shipping label is essential. Without the right labels, DG shipments will be rejected by regulatory authorities and carriers, creating harmful supply chain delays. However, finding the proper label isn’t always quick or easy. In fact, with numerous label options across nine hazmat classes,…
DG Digest: Supreme Court overturns Chevron, limiting regulatory oversight.
The coming week features the 4th of July holiday. It’s a good time to think about travel safety, since media reports indicate that a record number of Americans may be out on the road during the next ten days or so. If you plan a holiday drive, think about the basics—check your vehicle for safe…
DG Digest: PHMSA Issues New Rule Requiring Electronic Tracking of Hazardous Materials on Trains After East Palestine Incident
Sliding into the last week of June already! Remember how when we were kids, summer went on forever? Not so much now, so enjoy it while you can. The hot weather of July and August is right around the corner, too, so be sure those heat safety plans are in place and ready to go.…
DG Digest: PHMSA Seeks Input on Compressed Gas Cylinder Markings, FMCSA Discusses Carrier Fitness
The end of the coming week will take us into mid-June—already! Remember, the warmest months of the year are just ahead of us in the US, so be sure that if your hot weather safety plan needs last-minute tweaking, now’s the time! Here is a look at the week past’s regulatory news: PHMSA The agency…
DG Digest: Attention Transporters of Hazardous Materials: PHMSA Proposes Registration Fee Updates; OSHA to Hold Public Meeting on UN GHS Standards
June traditionally begins the summer season and the end of the regular school year in many places across the country. Be sure to account for the potential additional presence of children enjoying their summer break during your travel, work, and especially while driving. Here’s the week’s news: PHMSA In an NPRM, the agency, in order…
DG Digest: OSHA Strengthens Chemical Safety Standards with Major Revision to Hazard Communication Rule
The third week of May finds the country preparing for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday period. As the unofficial kick-off to the summer season, let’s be sure to focus on a safe and enjoyable holiday. Let’s also take time next weekend to remember the real purpose of the holiday and give thought to our fallen…
DG Digest: For HM-215Q, PHMSA Corrects International Hazmat Shipping Rules for Specific Materials, Revises Table Appearance
Here we are heading into mid-May; the weather is rapidly warning and it’s the apex of the spring storm season in much of the country. If you live and work in a place that is affected by this type of heavy weather, be sure you have a safety plan. When it’s happening is no time…
DG Digest: IATA Updates DGR with Focus on Operator Variations and Lithium Battery Rules
Here we are at the end of the month. As I write this blog, a very large tornado outbreak has been taking place across the Midwest and Great Plains. I hope all of our blog readers are safe. It’s also a great reminder that the threat of severe and even deadly weather is especially prevalent…
DG Digest: Transport Canada Publishes Updates on Tank Cars, Ammonia Nurse Tanks, Class 1 Explosives Packaging
The third week of April means the spring storm season is in full swing, so make sure your workplace and home are both ready to cope with potential heavy weather. In the regulatory world, Transport Canada was a busy player last week, with several actions of note. Here’s the latest news: Transport Canada The ministry…