DG Digest articles

DG Digest: Agencies Publish Semi-annual Regulatory Agendas

DG Digest: Agencies Publish Semi-annual Regulatory Agendas

The nation enters August with a resurgent COVID-19 pandemic driven by the Delta variant of the virus.  As DG/HSE professionals committed to safe practices, let’s all work together to remain aware of any changed policies in our local jurisdictions—they may differ significantly from place to place—and be ready to help our employers with understanding and

DG Digest: CPSC asks for public comment on how hazard warnings are communicated to consumers

The “Summer Lull” continues apace in the regulatory world, with minimal action last week.  Meanwhile, this new week will see a “heat dome” settle over much of the country.  Be sure to help your employees cope; it’s important to remember that many employees look to HSE and other regulatory personnel for guidance and support in

DG Digest: PHMSA Seeks Leading-edge, Innovative Ideas to Advance the Safe Transport of DG

Amazingly, it’s already almost mid-July!  Crazy, how quickly the summer goes.  Hopefully everyone is having a chance to enjoy a little down time; be sure that if and when you do, you remain attentive to safety, especially for big chores around the house and most especially, driving.  Summer trips often mean unfamiliar territory, extra road

DG Digest: FMCSA to extend compliance date for some provisions of Medical Examiner’s Certification for three years.

Believe it or not, it’s already the lead up week to the Independence Day holiday. We all know what that means—increased use of both legal and, unfortunately, some illegal fireworks by the general public. Be sure to remind your employees that they should behave extra safely around fireworks—after all, as DG professionals, we know what these explosive

DG Digest: FMCSA Posts Revisions to NHMRR and OSHA Issues Emergency Protections for Health Workers from Exposure to COVID-19

It’s now meteorological summer; time to dust off those hot weather work plans and make sure our fellow employees are acting safely under them—plenty of water, breaks when needed, limit time in closed and stuffy spaces, and most importantly, everyone looks out for each other.  Let’s have a safe working summer!  The regulatory news for

DG Digest: Biden DOE Releases National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries 2021- 2030

Believe it or not it’s nearly mid-June already. The long hours of daylight and warm weather this time of year often lead workplaces to tackle those outdoor projects that may have been lagging all winter.  If your site plans such work, be sure to do your homework first—secure necessary permits, plan your safety, especially fall protection

DG Digest: Transport Canada to impose new fees for dangerous goods packaging producers

Transport Canada In action impacting Canadian producers of dangerous goods packaging, the Ministry is holding a webinar on the proposed regulations that introduce new fees for companies required to be registered under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate’s Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program. The Ministry is proposing to introduce new fees and service
