DG Digest articles

DG Digest: FAA issues further guidance to carriers and crews; PHMSA in battles with two states over jurisdictional authority

DG Digest: FAA issues further guidance to carriers and crews; PHMSA in battles with two states over jurisdictional authority

In what we may all welcome as a hopeful sign of progress, mid-May finds, for the first time in several weeks, a relatively quiet regulatory world, with only a few actions in the news.  Given the heavy load of notices that have characterized the blog in the last six weeks or so, perhaps we’re all

DG Digest: ICAO publishes COVID-19 safety handbook for the aviation industry and PHMSA issues HM-215O final rule

May continues under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, in what we may all perhaps hope represents a step towards recovery, the big news this week is far more focused towards what we all might call “normal” regulatory activity, rather than the specific, focused actions related to the outbreak which have had primacy over

DG Digest: USPS releases major revisions to Pub 52 in support of rapid transport of COVID-19 samples

The beginning of the first week in May finds the nation collectively grateful to say goodbye to a COVID-19 dominated April that must certainly rank as one of the worst and certainly tragic such months in living memory.  As May begins, various locations around the nation are starting to grapple with how to begin to

DG Digest: PHMSA eases enforcement of pandemic-related transport, and FMCSA offers hours-of-service relief for those transporting needed supplies

The week just concluded retained COVID-19 related regulatory activity as its primary focus as the nation began, at least in a few geographic areas, to show slight signs of improvement with decreases in the rate of rise of transmission being tentatively reported.  However, all of us have a long way to go together to get

DG Digest: HHS updates requirements for new class of respirators, PHMSA provides guidance for handling shipping papers

The week just concluded finds the COVID-19 outbreak continuing to dominate regulatory activity, though there is a strong leavening of other news.  Meanwhile, all of us continue to work towards moving the nation into a recovery phase, whenever that may become safe.  For now, stay the course!  Continue social distancing, wash those hands, protect your

DG Digest: PHMSA releases interpretive guide and USPS issues special exemption for hand sanitizer transport

The holiday weekend just concluded finds the nation still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic as the overriding priority in virtually every aspect of our daily lives. This applies to the logistics sector as well, with several new items of interest related to the subject. Life does go on in the meantime too of course, and this is

DG Digest: PHMSA & Transport Canada ease transport rules on hand sanitizer

The ongoing COVID-19 crisis continues to dominate regulatory activity.  Several new actions dealing with it were promulgated during the last week and we’ll cover them below.  Labelmaster continues to serve the DG logistics chain during this time when it’s become even more important.  We’re working safe and doing everything we can to be a positive

DG Digest: PHMSA temporarily relaxing recurrent training certificate requirement, HHS announces list of scarce materials threatened by hoarding

The COVID-19 crisis commands most of the week’s regulatory news.  As the world continues to work through its response, the weekly DG Digest will continue in its present format during the crisis: one section devoted specifically to news related to the pandemic, with other news in a separate section.  Labelmaster remains fully operational and serving

DG Digest: vital transport, extra hand sanitizer, critical infrastructure workforce — agencies respond to the global pandemic

As readers have no doubt already guessed, the global response to the COVID-19 outbreak dominates this week’s regulatory news, with a widening variety of actions now being promulgated to assist the transport industry in coping with the unprecedented situation.  Labelmaster has been designated as an essential business in this circumstance and will continue to operate. 

DG Digest: ICAO/IATA and ADR react to the pandemic, FRA seeks comments on quarterly PTC form

As all of our readers know, the COVID-19 pandemic is now dominating the news and is affecting transport worldwide and well beyond impacts to private travelers. Its overall impact to industry and trade remains to be seen, but as dangerous goods professionals it’s our responsibility to keep things moving safely during this unsettled time. Let’s
