Holiday time bustle continues! Many workplaces will see a little short-handedness amongst the staff as employees take seasonal vacation periods, so let’s all make sure that we help the folks that are working to do so safely, avoiding “short-cuts” that may appear to save time or make up for someone not being present, but in reality can severely impact risk. The holidays are not a time for ignoring our commitment to a safe workplace! Here’s the week’s regulatory news:
The Postal Service is proposing to amend Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) in various sections to clarify the requirement of the service icon and service banner when a shipping address label is used. In addition, the Postal Service is proposing to require the hazardous materials icon in lieu of the service icon be included when a shipping address label is used on items containing mailable hazardous materials. Any variance in the physical aspect of the label affixed to a parcel presented for mailing may subject the piece to the IMpb noncompliance fee. Submit comments on or before January 4, 2024. Find further details here.
The agency announced that because it received adverse comment on eight amendments in the direct final rule regarding Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Regulations in Parts 260-265 published on August 9, 2023, it is withdrawing eight amendments to specific provisions through correction to the direct final rule. This correction is effective December 7, 2023. For information ab out the eight specific changes, see the text here.
The agency published an ICR renewal related to its Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) program. HAZWOPER certification on various levels is typically required for assigned personnel working at sites that participated in the generation, handling, storage, shipment or transport, and or disposal of listed (RECRA) hazardous wastes. See the ICR here.
Labelmaster is a full-service provider of products, shipping and training software, and professional consulting services to assist the DG and HS&E professional to comply with national and international regulations. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com.