Uh-oh. It’s October already! How did that happen? Now’s the time to start making sure that your winter safety plans are ready to go and that your contracts with snow removal vendors are finalized. You don’t want your workplace to be the last in line for this vital service. Employee slips and falls rise dramatically during the winter season, and poor surface maintenance is one big reason why. Plan now to keep things clear, dry, and safe. Here’s the week’s news:
The agency published safety advisory 2023-06. This advisory sets out recommended actions to help ensure the safety of maintenance of way and other workers who may be present on or in the right-of-way. The advisory is in response to a number of recent incidents involving accidents affecting such workers.
See the advisory HERE
The agency published a series of ICR’s dealing with required safety appliances fitted to both new and in-service railcars, including those carrying hazardous materials. See the actions here:
The agency published an ICR dealing with its Formaldehyde Safety Standard. Formaldehyde is a liquid hazardous material found in widespread consumer and retail use.
See the ICR HERE
The agency also announced a meeting of its advisory council on occupational safety and health (FACOSH) set for October 19th. For information on how to attend or participate, see the link:
Labelmaster is a full-service provider of products, shipping and training software, and professional consulting services to assist the DG and HS&E professional to comply with national and international regulations. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com.