Transport Canada announced formal competency guidelines for responding to flammable liquid incidents involving transport by rail, with big Canadian carriers like CN Railways among those affected. Image © 3/2013 by Nikki Burgess; all rights reserved.
Happy May Day! Hopefully, the date signals a final end of winter weather, wherever you are. Here are last week’s updates from the world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S:
- The EPA issued an information collection request for operators of hazardous waste storage, treatment, and disposal facilities. EPA contends that the comprehensive request will equip the agency with the information tools it needs to monitor this segment of the hazardous materials industry. Most such operations will face at least some reporting requirements under the request. See more here
- The EPA also announced the winners of the 2016 “Safer Choice” award cycle. This program recognizes companies that incorporate safer and more environmentally benign materials into their products. Many large manufacturers have active programs to make such changes, since in general, it not only increases the safety of their products, but often eases the regulatory burden associate with their transport and disposal. Find out more about this year’s winners here
- In further EPA ICR activity, the agency also issued a request in association win the mandatory use of what is called the “Part A” form. This form, actually The RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application form (EPA Form 8700–23) defines the processes to be used for treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes; the design capacity of such processes; and the specific hazardous wastes to be handled at the facility. This ICR relates to planning for the 2017 reporting year. Here’s the details
- OSHA issued an information collection request related to State Safety Plans. These are plans that reflect federal OSHA standards but are administrated on state levels. OSHA allows states to “take over” many more local functions, as long s the plans are at least as strict as federal rules require. This ICR will allow OSHA to verify the current status of state plans. Here’s the latest
- The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Federal Railroad Administration issued joint announcements regarding public listening sessions related to their new push towards sleep disorder testing for persons engaged in regulated transport activities. Concern over both highway and rail incidents in which sleeping vehicle drivers or train crews may have played a role is driving the new program’s goals. Learn about a session near you right here
- FMCSA also released an updated guidance document related to its Hazard Materials Safety Permit (HSMP) grogram. This service governs carriers that transport hazardous materials by road and is mandatory for such carriers. Link to the new document here
- The FRA also announced another set of transportation grants availabilities for both freight and passenger carriers. The grants can be used to improve infrastructure over which trains operate, and are all part of the FRA’s continued push to improve the safety record of railroads carrying both people and or hazardous materials. Explore the grant program here
- In an important update to the Hazardous Materials Regulations, PHMSA announced a new rule incorporating the most recent ASME standards for tank and pressure vessels into relevant points in the Hazardous Materials Regulations (see 49 CFR Parts 171, 173, and 178). The new ICR replaces ASME’s text dating from as far back as 1998! See the new rule here
- In long awaited action, PHMSA also released the 2016 version of the Emergency Response Guidebook. The ERG is THE go to reference for first responders and others interested in correctly identifying, responding to, and helping to mitigate accidents or incidents involving the transport of hazardous materials. The indispensable orange guidebook is issued every fourth year by DOT. Labelmaster will have paper copies of the guide in stock by June. Pre-order your ERGs today! Here’s a link to PHMSA’s announcement
Transport Canada:
- Transport Canada released its formal guidance (“Competency Guidelines”) for handling flammable liquids accidents and incidents related to transport by rail. Canada continues to focus on this issue in response to the 2013 Lac Megantic, Quebec oil train disaster. See and download the formal response document here
Labelmaster is a full service provider of products and services for the Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods professional, shippers, transport operators, and EH&S providers. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com.