Happy New Year everyone! Here we go, kicking off another year of regulatory news and updates, all intended to help our readers keep abreast of the most important developments in the transport and HSE sectors. What will this year bring? We’ll all find out together. Meanwhile, here’s this week’s news to start us off:
The agency announced the availability of and is soliciting comment on the preliminary lists of manufacturers (including importers) of chemical substances that have been designated as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and for which fees will be charged. As required by TSCA, EPA established fees to defray a portion of the costs associated with administering certain provisions of TSCA. Find details here.
The agency published its required substance abuse testing rates for operating employees for the new year. Find the revised rates here.
FRA is withdrawing the October 29, 2024, NPRM that proposed to update FRA’s procedures for waivers and safety-related proceedings. The NPRM published at 89 FR 85895 on October 29, 2024, is withdrawn as of December 31, 2024. See the full story here.
Civil Monetary Penalty Fee Adjustments
Another tranche of fee adjustments has been released by various agencies. Find the specifics for each below:
USCG: 2024-31204.pdf
DHS: 2024-31204.pdf
TSA: 2024-31204.pdf
Labelmaster is a full-service provider of products, shipping and training software, and professional consulting services to assist the DG and HS&E professional to comply with national and international regulations. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com.