Last Saturday marked the Chinese New Year; the year 4718 in the Chinese calendar and the Year of the Rat, which renews the twelve year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac. In Chinese culture, rats represent the positive traits of quickness, cleverness, and the ability to thrive even under difficult circumstances. The Labelmaster family wishes all of our friends who observe this ancient tradition a healthy and prosperous New Year! Regulatory activity was at fairly low ebb this week; here’s the latest:
The agency announced its request for approval to extend an existing ICR titled, ‘‘Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Highway Routing.’’ The information reported by States, the District of Columbia, Indian tribes, and U.S. Territories is necessary to identify designated/restricted routes and restrictions or limitations affecting how motor carriers may transport certain hazardous materials on their highways, including dates that such routes were established and information on subsequent changes or new hazardous materials routing designations. Send your comments by February 26, 2020. Here’s your link.
This Notice identifies the preliminary lists of manufacturers (including importers) of 20 chemical substances that have been designated as a High-Priority Substance for risk evaluation and for which fees will be charged under the TSCA. EPA is providing a 60-day comment period during which manufacturers (including importers) are required to self-identify as a manufacturer of a High-Priority Substance irrespective of whether they are included on the preliminary lists. See the notice here.
The agency published its random drug and alcohol test rates for affected employees (operations personnel) for 2020. For calendar year 2020, the minimum annual random testing rates for covered service employees will continue to be 25 percent for drugs and 10 percent for alcohol, while the minimum annual random testing rates for MOW employees will continue to be 50 percent for drugs and 25 percent for alcohol. See the notice here.
The Committee published guidance for users of electronic data transfer using the ADR regulations Section See the new guidance here.
Labelmaster is a full-service provider of products, shipping and training software, and professional consulting services to assist the DG and HS&E professional in complying with national and international regulations. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com.