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USDOT Releases Reauthorization Proposal

The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) released its reauthorization proposal on April 29th. The massive bill, even the brief summary of which is over one hundred pages, will do everything from set priorities for federal highways, to issuing new rules for railroad passenger equipment purchases, to explicating in detail various budget line items for

The Anatomy of a Proper Hazmat Label

Need to move, store or assure your products? Don’t leave it to chance! Whether you need your labels to be in compliance, endure harsh conditions, visibly display your message or whatever your need may be; trust Labelmaster! Not all labels are created equal and we get the science of labels.     There are labels.

Have You Registered Yet for the The 9th Annual Dangerous Goods Symposium?

Have You Registered Yet? The 9th annual Dangerous Goods Instructors Symposium is open for registration!  Join September 3-5th in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona for the opportunity to network with industry peers, learn about critical regulatory updates and participate in interactive training workshops.  Whether you are a Dangerous Goods Shipping Instructor, Trainer or just work with Dangerous

Interstate Commerce or Local Control? PHMSA Asked for a Decision

In two actions published in today’s Federal Register, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) has made an application to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) for an administrative determination on whether Federal hazardous materials laws would pre-empt requirements put in place by the cities of New York, NY and Pittsburgh, PA.
