The American Association of Railroads has published a report on PTC Implementation status as of December 2018. ON New Year’s Day of 2019, BNSF 1456 leads a freight train out of Tacoma, Washington in bright afternoon sunshine. BNSF was the first major carrier to complete full PTC implementation. Photo © 1/2019 y Nikki Burgess; all rights reserved.
Happy New Year! The first blog post of the year for the DG Digest finds the ongoing government shutdown still in effect. As such, US regulatory activity is minimal. As of press time, there was no new information on the impact the shutdown may have on federal regulatory schedules or other activity moving forward. The digest will continue to monitor the situation and will bring news of change to the readership as soon as it may become available. Meanwhile, here’s a look at what did happen over the last week:
The EU published the electronic files for the 2019 ADR as well as a pair of corrigenda for the new text. Users of the regulations will definitely want to have a look at those. Here’s a link to all three documents
The big carrier has revised its dangerous goods tables for its various service levels, etc. UPS also published its 2019 variations. Here’s a portal to UPS pages that offer the information
The American Association of Railroads published an end-of-year report on Positive Train Control (PTC) that notes that all affected carriers met the required deadlines for 2018 and that the industry is on schedule for completion by the 2020 final deadline. This is important to hazmat shippers because PTC is a required functionality for railroad track that will carry hazardous materials following the deadline. The report offers comprehensive data on how things have gone and what’s left to do. See it here
Labelmaster is a full-service provider of products, shipping and training software, and professional consulting services to assist the DG and HS&E professional to comply with national and international regulations. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com