Tag Archives: Game of Thrones

The hazmat pro’s guide to Game of Thrones, Season 8

The hazmat pro’s guide to Game of Thrones, Season 8

At last, the moment for which hazmat pros have waited untold winters! The final season of Game of Thrones starts Sunday. Everyone in the Dangerous Goods galaxy knows Game of Thrones is really about hazmat transport. For all its swordplay, palace intrigue and dragons, the show addresses the same issues hazmat pros deal with every

7 clues that Game of Thrones is really about hazmat shipping

Every Sunday night, millions of people worldwide gather to watch a show about kings, queens, dragons and Class 3 hazmat. Yes, it’s Game of Thrones, and it’s the greatest show about Dangerous Goods ever created. What’s that? You don’t think Game of Thrones is about hazmat shipping? Here are seven uncanny similarities that will prove
