Search Results for: PTC

Congressional politics threaten PTC extension bill

Just when American railroads were perhaps starting to breathe a bit easier about the December 31st, 2015 Positive Train Control (PTC) deadline account the seeming agreement in the House of Representatives about extending the deadline to 2018 under a pending...

2018 Rail PTC Extension rolls through Congress

...PTC, control systems on their networks. PTC is a control system that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) data combined with both onboard and trackside control and communications systems to provide “fail-safe” control over train movements. Congress mandated the national installation...

Congress advances bill to delay Railroad PTC Mandate

If made law, under House Bill HR 3651 trains carrying passengers and or certain hazardous materials will be able to operate as is as the current PTC deadline is extended from December 31st 2015 to December 31st 2018. Here a...
