It’s April 1st, no fooling! The last week of March found regulatory activity fairly slow, with the biggest news being PHMSA’s announcement of its meeting schedule for pre-conferences to discuss upcoming international modal regulation meetings. See all the latest below: PHMSA The agency announced four meetings that will prepare the US delegations to the major…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
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Supply Chain Moves: Week of April 1, 2019
Week of April 1, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Technology continues to transform every industry sector. To successfully navigate the changing landscape, companies – especially those shipping dangerous goods – must understand how these shifts impact their supply chain operations. To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends impacting business and…
New survey will get pilots’ thoughts on Dangerous Goods training
We’ve written plenty about the importance of training for people who prepare Dangerous Goods shipments for air transport. But what about the people who actually fly the planes? James Wyatt, Senior Vice President Aviation Solutions at Avialytics GmbH, believes the training needs of pilots and flight crews aren’t adequately addressed by currently available resources. And…
DG Digest: EPA opens comment period on chemicals prioritization
As spring formally kicked off, it was a quiet week for regulatory activity. One item of note; after a lengthy genesis, the EPA is moving on the “designation “ phase for high and low priority substances under the revised Toxic Substances Control Act, or TSCA. See below for details, as well as the rest of…
Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 25, 2019
Week of March 25, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance The adoption of new and innovative technologies are helping enable a digital supply chain and improve operations for global companies, especially those shipping dangerous goods. To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends impacting business and the movement of dangerous goods throughout…
19 reasons to sign up for the 2019 Dangerous Goods Symposium now
It’s barely spring. Too soon to think about September? Not when we’re talking about the 2019 Dangerous Goods Symposium—slated for September 4–6 at the Sheraton Grand Chicago. The Symposium is the world’s premier event for hazmat professionals from all over the world—and anyone else who works hard every day to keep our supply chain safe.…
DG Digest: USPS to require triple packaging for most liquids
The St. Patrick’s Day holiday found regulatory activity at moderate pace. Perhaps the biggest news? The US Post Office released its long awaited updated to the rules for shipping liquids in the mail. See that, and all the latest news, right here: PHMSA The agency published three sets of special permit actions. As is typically…
Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 18, 2019
Week of March 18, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance New technologies have a ripple effect across the supply chain, especially when these technologies are classified as “dangerous.” To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends impacting business and the movement of dangerous goods throughout the supply chain, Labelmaster has launched “Supply…
Industrial Pack 2019: More networking, more experts, more hazmat
Ever see kids have more fun with the box than the toy that came inside it? That’s us. To most people, a shipping package is just a container, something to open so they can use whatever’s inside. But to Dangerous Goods pros, a package is a critical compliance tool. We respect the science, engineering and…
DG Digest: PHMSA harmonizes with ICAO on lithium battery transport
The second full week in March finds PHMSA having published its lithium battery by air revisions, and, just to make things interesting, the agency threw in a twist. See the details below. Meanwhile, Spring Break season is here. Make sure your employees don’t get distracted from their need to be safe—a looming vacation can often…