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Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 11, 2019

Week of March 11, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Technology innovation has crept into every part of our personal and professional lives. For companies shipping and handling dangerous goods (DG), these new technologies have a significant impact on the supply chains – including how they must approach compliance. To help companies keep

Hazmat pros—with HM-215O coming, how do you spell “harmonization?”

Last week we shared transatlantic viewpoints on confidence in Dangerous Goods compliance. This week, our experts talk about harmonization between Europe and North America. The supply chain is more global than it’s ever been. Yet Dangerous Goods regulations still vary from country to country. The differences in hazmat regulations between Europe and North America are—thankfully—nowhere

DG Digest: PHMSA releases draft rule: lithium battery harmonization may be upon us

PHMSA The agency, in consultation with the Federal Railroad Administration and pursuant to the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) of 2015, issued a final rule to revise and clarify requirements for comprehensive oil spill response plans (COSRPs) and to expand their applicability based on petroleum oil thresholds that apply to an entire train

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 4, 2019

Week of March 4, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Technology is helping create a digital supply chain that enables more intelligent and forward-thinking operations. For companies shipping and handling dangerous goods (DG), this modern approach must include compliance. To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends impacting business and the movement

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of February 25, 2019

Week of February 25, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Technology is a necessity in today’s complex, fast-paced supply chain. This is especially true for companies shipping and handling dangerous goods (DG) – as they look for ways to effectively and efficiently comply with ever-changing regulations while meeting increasing customer demands. To help

DG Digest: OSHA issues guidance aiming to protect workers from lithium batteries worn as personal equipment

Mid-February finds a variety of action taking place on the regulatory front as everyone waits for winter to run its course.  With the shutdown now receding, agencies have ramped back up to normal operations, and are busy with their schedules.  Here’s all the latest: FAA The agency published the renewal of an ICR affecting Part

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of February 18, 2019

Week of February 18, 2019 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Technology innovation continues to change how we do business. For companies that handle dangerous goods, technology adoption and integration is critical in order to effectively and efficiently comply with complex regulations and maintain a smooth, safe and secure supply chain. To help companies
