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What are operator variations, and how do they impact your hazmat shipments?

The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations manual—known throughout the supply chain as the “IATA DGR”—is universally acknowledged as the world’s single authority on the compliant transport of hazardous materials by air. It’s more than 1,000 pages thick. Surely IATA has issued every rule any shipper would need to know, right? Not quite. There’s a whole chapter

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of August 03 2020

  Week of August 3rd, 2020 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the critical role technology plays within the supply chain. And for some, it has placed a spotlight on the need for greater investment in technology moving forward. To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends impacting

Results of the 5th Annual DG Confidence Outlook: strengths, weaknesses and tremendous resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the global dangerous goods supply chain. Yet even as the industry has shown tremendous resilience, this crisis has shed light on weaknesses related to DG organizations’ ability to keep shipments safe and compliant, and the need for further investment in DG training, technology and infrastructure. The 5th annual DG

How to evaluate and evolve your Dangerous Goods training program—part 2

Last week, we shared strategies from leading Dangerous Goods trainers for evaluating hazmat training programs to determine when they need updating. Here are some powerful tips for evolving your training program to match your current operation—and preparing it for future growth. If 2020 has proved anything, it’s that businesses must always be ready to adapt

DG Digest: Transport Canada provides regulatory relief for heath care workers and ICAO offers guidance for “iPACKS” amid pandemic.

Mid-July is here and the U.S. continues to struggle against a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s important for everyone to take all the actions they can to help protect themselves, their families, and their fellow employees as we all continue to work towards a resolution of this extraordinary circumstance. It was a moderately active week on
