Tag Archives: HHS

DG Digest: HHS updates requirements for new class of respirators, PHMSA provides guidance for handling shipping papers

DG Digest: HHS updates requirements for new class of respirators, PHMSA provides guidance for handling shipping papers

The week just concluded finds the COVID-19 outbreak continuing to dominate regulatory activity, though there is a strong leavening of other news.  Meanwhile, all of us continue to work towards moving the nation into a recovery phase, whenever that may become safe.  For now, stay the course!  Continue social distancing, wash those hands, protect your

DG Digest: PHMSA temporarily relaxing recurrent training certificate requirement, HHS announces list of scarce materials threatened by hoarding

The COVID-19 crisis commands most of the week’s regulatory news.  As the world continues to work through its response, the weekly DG Digest will continue in its present format during the crisis: one section devoted specifically to news related to the pandemic, with other news in a separate section.  Labelmaster remains fully operational and serving
