The end of the coming week will take us into mid-June—already! Remember, the warmest months of the year are just ahead of us in the US, so be sure that if your hot weather safety plan needs last-minute tweaking, now’s the time! Here is a look at the week past’s regulatory news: PHMSA The agency…
DG Digest: Attention Transporters of Hazardous Materials: PHMSA Proposes Registration Fee Updates; OSHA to Hold Public Meeting on UN GHS Standards
June traditionally begins the summer season and the end of the regular school year in many places across the country. Be sure to account for the potential additional presence of children enjoying their summer break during your travel, work, and especially while driving. Here’s the week’s news: PHMSA In an NPRM, the agency, in order…
DG Digest: FRA Ups Railroad Safety with Dispatcher & Signal Maintainer Certifications; OSHA Updates Vinyl Chloride Standard
The Memorial Day weekend just concluded is the unofficial kick-off to the nation’s summer season. As such, it’s now a great time to review your home and workplace heat safety plans. Employees that work out of doors or in non-climate-controlled buildings can face real risks during hot weather. Be sure that you review your site…
DG Digest: OSHA Strengthens Chemical Safety Standards with Major Revision to Hazard Communication Rule
The third week of May finds the country preparing for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday period. As the unofficial kick-off to the summer season, let’s be sure to focus on a safe and enjoyable holiday. Let’s also take time next weekend to remember the real purpose of the holiday and give thought to our fallen…
DG Digest: For HM-215Q, PHMSA Corrects International Hazmat Shipping Rules for Specific Materials, Revises Table Appearance
Here we are heading into mid-May; the weather is rapidly warning and it’s the apex of the spring storm season in much of the country. If you live and work in a place that is affected by this type of heavy weather, be sure you have a safety plan. When it’s happening is no time…
DG Digest: FAA, FMCSA, CPSC & OSHA: Updates on Undeclared Dangerous Goods, Radioactive Materials, Fuel Containers & More
Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the weekend just past, with “Star Wars Day” and Cinco de Mayo both falling over the period. Nowadays, it’s kind of the unofficial start to the summer season. Here’s to a great upcoming summertime for all of us! Let’s take a look at the current regulatory news: FAA The agency has published…
DG Digest: New PHMSA Rule Makes Multi-Modal Hazmat Shipping Easier, Aligns with International Standards
As we publish, it’s Tax Day! Are you ready? Hopefully everyone has things under control for the year. It’s always an adventure. Meanwhile, it was an eventful regulatory week as PHMSA published its long awaited HM-215Q harmonization rule. Let’s dive right in: PHMSA As just noted, the final rule updating international harmonization was published. The…
DG Digest: Shipping Accident in Baltimore: A Reminder of Safe Cargo Practices
Shipping accident in Baltimore As most people already know, last week the Singapore flagged container ship MS Dali collided with the Francis Scott Key road bridge at the mouth of the harbor in Baltimore, Maryland. The bridge subsequently collapsed, tragically killing six maintenance workers on the span. Casualties may have been far greater but for…
DG Digest: EPA Eyes Safer Disposal of Explosives, OSHA Updates Fire Extinguisher and Cadmium Rules
For many younger folks, spring break season has arrived, so if you live and work in an area that sees spring break tourism, be sure that your employees are aware of the potential for increased traffic and crowded streets. Delivery drivers and those who work out of the office or plant can be particularly affected.…
DG Digest: PHMSA Clarifies Special Permit Process, Adds Hazmat Training FAQs, and Issues Monkeypox Guidance
It’s mid-March, and the formal beginning of Spring is just a day or two away. Hopefully, every will have a chance to enjoy the improving weather and perhaps a spring break holiday. Be sure to include appropriate safety planning in your spring events! Here’s the last week’s extremely busy regulatory news: PHMSA The agency published…