Tag Archives: US FDA

DG Digest: Transport Canada issues proposal to revise standards for aerosol production and disposal

DG Digest: Transport Canada issues proposal to revise standards for aerosol production and disposal

Mid-October is here, and with it, lovely fall colors are on display across the nation. Although the country continues to battle the pandemic and deal with sundry other issues, it’s always important to remember that nature continues its yearly journey through the seasons, and we should all remember to stop and take time to appreciate the

DG Digest: FRA establishes Emergency Relief Docket for year, and the Coast Guard announces next chem transport committee meeting

The Mid-February winter doldrums are here—we’re all ready for spring, but it still feels distant.  Hopefully the crocuses will soon be peeking out, and a new cycle will return us to sunshine and the new green.  The week saw a slight uptick in regulatory activity; here’s the latest: FRA The agency established its annual Emergency
