Tag Archives: shipping placards

Why it’s absolutely essential to choose the right hazmat placard

Why it’s absolutely essential to choose the right hazmat placard

True fact: No one ever got promoted for choosing the right hazmat placard. Choosing the wrong placard, however, could have negative consequences for anyone’s job prospects. Think about it. Every Dangerous Goods shipment represents a significant investment in time and materials, and it could be part of a supply chain impacting several organizations. Yet one

Dangerous Goods Report Vol. 7

Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 7

Summary: HM-215: Are you ready for the border patrol? If you ship Dangerous Goods, don’t let new border measurement regulations for labels and placards catch you unprepared. Ship damaged batteries in a fiberboard box? Yes, you can! Just in time for the largest cell phone recall ever—new Special Permit Packaging makes reverse logistics easier and
