Mid-May is here and with it both some serious stormy weather as well as some rapidly warming temperatures in various parts of the country. If your workplace hasn’t yet shifted into its “summer safety season” programs, now’s the time to make it happen. Storm damage and heat related illnesses can both be trouble for your business and employees, so be sure you have a plan in place to deal with the coming season. Meanwhile, here’s the latest regulatory news:
PHMSA has published a pair of helpful guides to assist shippers in various ways. One guide covers damaged, defective, or recalled lithium batteries—always a huge item of interest these days. The other is a basic help guide to deciphering UN specification marks on packages. Find both publications at the links below.
Understanding the Risks of Damaged, Defective or Recalled (DDR) Lithium Batteries
Transport Canada
The Ministry published a revised Canadian Standard (CGSB) that governs the construction and operation of various types of rail tank cars and aligns the standard more directly with US regulations. Tank cars continue to be a major area of interest in both Canada and the US following a number of hazmat release episodes over the last decade or so. Find the revised standard here:
Notice – New edition of CAN/CGSB-43.147 is published (canada.ca)
Labelmaster is a full-service provider of products, shipping and training software, and professional consulting services to assist the DG and HS&E professional to comply with national and international regulations. See our full line of solutions at www.labelmaster.com.