Author Archives: Labelmaster

Guiding Principles behind UN Model Regulations — Free Download

At the Labelmaster Dangerous Goods Symposium last week, Jeff Hart, former Chair of the United Nations Sub-committee of Experts asked delegates whether anyone had read the “Guiding Principles” document which illustrates some of the concepts and detail behind to UN Model Regulations. Only a few delegates knew of the document. For those interested in getting acquainted with

Maritime hydrogen fuel cell applications promise cleaner emissions and reduced shipping costs

On August 28, 2015, the United States Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD), through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Energy, initiated field tests on a prototype hydrogen fuel cell to power refrigeration units in the port of Honolulu, Hawaii for freight shipments between harbors.  “The Maritime Administration continues to fund innovative

Lithium Battery Regulations: Are Retailers Getting Their Shipments Together?

On Friday, August 7, 2015, the US Department of Transportation’s new lithium battery shipping rules went into effect. In the weeks since, retailers have handled the challenges of the new regulations as best they can. Many are still scrambling, as they adapt their shipping operations to rules that never applied to their business before. The

Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 3

Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 3

Why do first responders, commercial drivers, train crews, and chemical plant operators consider the Emergency Response Guide essential? Because it keeps hazmat accidents from becoming worst-case scenarios. Our latest DG Report explains why the 2016 ERG is the most essential ever—along with lots more Dangerous Goods insight. Read on!   Download   Dangerous Goods Report

10 Reasons to add barcodes to your Dangerous Goods labels

Dangerous Goods (DG) identification and shipping is complex. One way to simplify things is by adding barcodes to your labels. When you make every DG container and package barcode-scanable, you’ll improve processes, reduce human error, cut down on frustrated shipments and carrier rejections, and keep labeling in compliance. Many Labelmaster customers specify labels with barcodes,

Infographic | The Essential ERG (Emergency Response Guide)

The Emergency Response Guide—better known as the ERG— is the first resource for identifying and responding to chemical hazards in a transportation emergency. You’ll find it anywhere people have a stake in the safe handling, transport and storage of Dangerous Goods. New additions, revisions and updates make the 2016 ERG the most essential ever. Here

Infographic | The Essential ERG (Emergency Response Guidebook)

The Emergency Response Guide—better known as the ERG— is the first resource for identifying and responding to chemical hazards in a transportation emergency. You’ll find it anywhere people have a stake in the safe handling, transport and storage of Dangerous Goods. New additions, revisions and updates make the 2016 ERG the most essential ever. Here

Recap of the ECOSOC Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

A New Biennium With the retirement of Mr. Hart of the UK, a new UN Sub-committee of experts on the transport of dangerous goods biennium began on 22nd June under the chairmanship of  Mr. Pfund from the US.  Mr. Pfund follows in the footsteps of such luminaries from the US DOT as Mr. Al Roberts

Boeing Offers Lithium Battery Air Transport Guidance

Seldom does a guidance document from a private business causes much stir in the aviation transport community when it comes to Dangerous Goods; however, that is not the case after the Boeing Company released new guidance on July 17th regarding the bulk carriage of Lithium Ion Batteries (UN3480) on its passenger aircraft.  Along with European maker Airbus,
