DG Digest articles

DG Digest: PHMSA Addresses Cryogenic Liquid Risks, FAA Issues Safety Alert for Battery-Related Cargo, and Transport Canada Releases Updated Training Guidance

DG Digest: PHMSA Addresses Cryogenic Liquid Risks, FAA Issues Safety Alert for Battery-Related Cargo, and Transport Canada Releases Updated Training Guidance

The leaves are falling fast now as we enter into the second month of autumn. Are your wintertime snow and ice clearance plans in place? Before too long, many parts of the country will be experiencing such weather, so if you haven’t quite finished your preparations, now’s a great time to do so. No one

DG Digest: EPA determines TCEP, a flame-retardant used in plastics and foam products, poses unreasonable risk

The end of September is here—how fast did that month fly by! As October comes in, cooler weather is rapidly making its way into many parts of the country. Before long, the “S” word—snow—might start becoming a consideration for folks in the high country. Now’s a great time to start thinking about your wintertime plowing

DG Digest: China Revises Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations

Welcome to autumn! Yesterday was the Fall Equinox, officially ending the summer of 2024. Hopefully it was a good one for you, and hopefully the new season will be filled with fun and interesting things to see and do. Break out the pumpkin spice and cornstalks! Here’s the week’s regulatory news: China (PRC) Ministry of

DG Digest: FMCSA Extends Comment Period, OSHA Announces Meeting, Publishes ICRs; PHMSA Takes Special Permit Actions

Although school is back in, and most of us feel like fall is here already, this coming week actually features the last few days of summer, with the equinox occurring next Sunday morning. As such—if you have any last-minute summer plans or wishes, now’s the time! Otherwise, you’ll have to slot them in for 2025.

DG Digest: IATA releases significant changes for the upcoming 66th Edition of the DGR

As you read this, Labor Day has come and gone and with its passing, the unofficial end of the summer is here. Hopefully, you had a great season and finished up with a restful holiday. Meanwhile, here we go into the beginning of fall and the back-to-school period. As always, safety first! Here’s the latest
