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Time to get excited about the 2021 Dangerous Goods Symposium!

Does DG stand for “Delirious Groupies”? Based on this new video, the answer is “yes.” Okay, maybe you’ve never been that excited about an upcoming Dangerous Good Symposium. But there are lots of good reasons to be excited about the 16th annual Symposium this year. What do you most want to see on this year’s

DG Digest: FMCSA Posts Revisions to NHMRR and OSHA Issues Emergency Protections for Health Workers from Exposure to COVID-19

It’s now meteorological summer; time to dust off those hot weather work plans and make sure our fellow employees are acting safely under them—plenty of water, breaks when needed, limit time in closed and stuffy spaces, and most importantly, everyone looks out for each other.  Let’s have a safe working summer!  The regulatory news for

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of June 21st, 2021

  Week of June 21st, 2021 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance As businesses around the world continue to navigate compounding supply chain challenges, some are beginning to take even more drastic steps. Let’s examine some recent industry news. SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS Brands Turn to Air Cargo as Inventory Delays Continue: Inventory delays

The new father’s guide to Dangerous Goods shipping

“Shipping Dangerous Goods as a rookie is a lot like your first year of fatherhood,” said the old DG trainer. “There are a lot more details to worry about, and if you screw up, you’re gonna have a mess on your hands.” With apologies to all the mothers out there—whose parental sacrifices and Dangerous Goods

How Labelmaster e-procurement can lower your costs of hazmat compliance

How you buy your Dangerous Goods transport resources isn’t as important as how you use them. But it can still make a difference in your operation’s compliance. For example: e-procurement. Many Labelmaster customers already take advantage of our support for e-procurement platforms including Ariba, Coupa, Hubwoo (Perfect Commerce), Smart by GEP, SAP S/4 and many

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of June 7th, 2021

  Week of June 7th, 2021 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Businesses continue to evolve their supply chain strategies in order to deliver goods to consumers faster. This pursuit of faster last-mile delivery can be especially challenging for dangerous goods shippers.  Let’s examine the recent supply chain technology and industry news. SUPPLY CHAIN

DG Digest: Transport Canada to impose new fees for dangerous goods packaging producers

Transport Canada In action impacting Canadian producers of dangerous goods packaging, the Ministry is holding a webinar on the proposed regulations that introduce new fees for companies required to be registered under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate’s Means of Containment Facilities Registration Program. The Ministry is proposing to introduce new fees and service
