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DG Report Vol. 11

Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 11

Summary: Volume 11 of the Dangerous Goods Report focuses on how today’s “I want it now” e-commerce consumer has forced every supply chain organization to rethink and re-engineer how they do business. How do Dangerous Goods professionals ensure compliance in the new decentralized, omnichannel e-commerce environment? Hazmat transport in today’s “get it tomorrow” world. How top

Postal rates may increase if U.S. departs Universal Postal Union

Although it does not have the current traction in the news that many other topics do, a technical arrangement that governs the US Postal Service’s relations to other international postal bodies may leave US-based shippers facing higher fees.  A meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on September 25-26th is more or less the last chance for the

DG Symposium Day 3: learning from Lithium Battery Friday

You know you’re in a conference full of Dangerous Goods pros when a panelist says, “Hey, how about that electric violin at Labelmaster Fest last night? What do you suppose the watt-hour rating on those rechargeable batteries is?” Yes, it was Lithium Battery Friday at the Dangerous Goods Symposium—a annual tradition where a panel of

DG Digest: PHMSA releases pair of useful guides, FMCSA may reduce State fees collected from motor carriers

Although the calendar says that summer doesn’t end until September 22nd, for all practical purposes summer ended yesterday with the Labor Day holiday.  Hopefully everyone had a safe and happy long weekend!  The last week of the traditional summer season was unusually busy from a regulatory standpoint, with a number of actions rolling in to

The simple guide to 2019/2020 Dangerous Goods regulatory books

Don’t look now, but it’s almost fall, and it will be 2020 before you know it. That means new Dangerous Goods regulations will soon be coming into force—and you’ll need new regulatory publications to keep track of them. Of course, sometimes it’s hard just keeping track of the latest Dangerous Goods regulatory publications themselves. That’s
