As we begin the fall season, now’s the time to review your workplace’s plan to cope with its weather. Be sure to keep drains and gutters clear of leaves so leaks and puddles don’t add to safety risks. It’s getting dark sooner—make sure your employee team focuses on safe driving and being aware pedestrians. The…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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A 6-step recipe for successful lithium battery reverse logistics
Among the many complications of our new e-commerce world, reverse logistics may be the most headache-inducing. In a recent Reverse Logistics article, I wrote that, “products bought at brick-and-mortar stores are returned around 9% of the time, while the return rate for online purchases is nearly three time higher.” Most of those millions of returns…
Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 11
Summary: Volume 11 of the Dangerous Goods Report focuses on how today’s “I want it now” e-commerce consumer has forced every supply chain organization to rethink and re-engineer how they do business. How do Dangerous Goods professionals ensure compliance in the new decentralized, omnichannel e-commerce environment? Hazmat transport in today’s “get it tomorrow” world. How top…
Postal rates may increase if U.S. departs Universal Postal Union
Although it does not have the current traction in the news that many other topics do, a technical arrangement that governs the US Postal Service’s relations to other international postal bodies may leave US-based shippers facing higher fees. A meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on September 25-26th is more or less the last chance for the…
DG Digest: IATA releases changes to the 61st edition of the DGR
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DG Symposium Day 3: learning from Lithium Battery Friday
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DG Symposium Day 2: A spotlight on advanced hazmat technology
Technology was one of the dominant themes of the 4th annual Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook, the results of which were revealed during Day 1 of the 2019 Dangerous Goods Symposium. Among the survey’s findings: 55% of companies rely on manual processes, at least in part, for shipping hazmat. 45% called their ability to centrally store…
DG Symposium Day 1: Three distinct levels of hazmat compliance
Lots of people in the Dangerous Goods supply chain view hazmat compliance is a black-and-white issue. You’re either compliant, or you’re not. But during Day 1 of the 2019 Dangerous Goods Symposium, nearly 300 hazmat pros from all over the globe were shown new research demonstrating that a basic level of compliance is only the…
DG Digest: PHMSA releases pair of useful guides, FMCSA may reduce State fees collected from motor carriers
Although the calendar says that summer doesn’t end until September 22nd, for all practical purposes summer ended yesterday with the Labor Day holiday. Hopefully everyone had a safe and happy long weekend! The last week of the traditional summer season was unusually busy from a regulatory standpoint, with a number of actions rolling in to…
The simple guide to 2019/2020 Dangerous Goods regulatory books
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