It’s the last week of April already! Hope everyone is thinking spring by now. Here the latest’s news of note in the worlds of Dangerous Goods and EH&S: OSHA: OSHA released a new information collection request in reference to Benzene, a common industrial chemical used in many applications but that has hazardous qualities that make…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
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“I shipped lithium batteries for that?” The 10 dumbest battery devices
Shipping lithium batteries is challenging, with new air shipping regulations making air transport for many batteries all but impossible. But at least you know those batteries power the devices that make our world more amazing by the day, right? Well, not always. For every life-altering phone, tablet or fitness tracker, there’s a device so pointless…
Ultimate hazmat security: C-TPAT Compliant Seals
Seals Series, Volume 4 — A massive freighter docks overnight at a U.S. port. Its containers hold the kind of hazardous material that, in the wrong hands, could put countless American lives at risk. The next morning, the containers are offloaded to trucks and trains that take them to every corner of the country. A…
DG Digest: LithBat Webinar on Wednesday, EPA on Hydrological Alteration, and the TSA’s BASE Program
As part of our nation basks in Spring warmth and other areas get snowed under, the DG news flow this week was a little more quiet than has been the recent norm. Here are the most relevant briefs: Special Lithium Battery Regulatory Update Webinar: Shipping Lithium Batteries by air remains a huge topic of interest…
Domestic shippers take note: PHMSA to adopt ICAO lithium battery rules
When the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and International Air Transport Association (IATA) imposed new lithium battery air shipping restrictions April 1, 2016, many shippers whose products never cross US borders believed that the new rules didn’t apply to them. Because those restrictions have not been adopted into the U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR),…
DG Digest: PHMSA Adopts ICAO Battery Rules, EPA Sets New Limits for TCE, and New Coast Guard Vessel Tracking System
It’s been another busy week in the world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S. Here’s a few of the highlights: Transport Canada: Our neighbor’s version of the USDOT released a proposed revision to their performance standard for aerosol containers and gas cartridges. The revision is intend to increase the level of safety for these items and…
How a security seal control program protects your hazardous materials
Seals Series, Volume 3 — Seals are a great, underappreciated hazmat security tool. In our last couple of posts, we’ve talked about situations where seals are essential in Dangerous Goods security, and where seals are a better choice than locks. But seals by themselves can only do so much. To fully exploit their potential, you…
DG Digest: FRA Grants, PHMSA Reverse Logistics, & D.O.T. Seeks Public’s Help
As the weather begins to turn for the better in most places, the regulatory world stays busy. Here are the past week’s notables: U.S. D.O.T. Announced its latest five-year research and development plan and asked for public input to its development. The plan gets used as a guide to help decide things like funding priorities…
16 reasons to sign up for the 2016 Dangerous Goods Symposium now
The 2016 Dangerous Goods Symposium—a.k.a. DGS XI—is slated for September 7–9, at the Loews Chicago Hotel. As always, the Symposium will feature workshops and presentations from some of the sharpest trainers and practitioners in the Dangerous Goods galaxy, along with unparalleled networking and plenty of downtime pleasantries. DGS XI will only be free for…
USDOT/PHMSA formalizes requirements for “Reverse Logistics”
In today’s edition of the US Federal Register, the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published a final rule under Docket # PHMSA-2011-0143 (HM-253), RIN 2137-AE82 under which the agency sets forth specific rules to regulate the transport of materials under the so-called “Reverse Logistics” principle. This function…