Tag Archives: DOT

Hazmat Regulations: Choose the Best Source to Stay Current

In order to legally ship hazardous materials in the United States, you must have reliable access to the most current and correct transportation regulations.  Although your first inclination may be to turn to the federal government, understand that the government may not be most timely option for supplying the updated regulatory information.

DGIS VIII Days 3 & 4: Wrap Up & Announcement for DGIS IX in Scottsdale, AZ!

Day 3: Thursday night attendees joined us for Labelmaster Fest in the Grand Ballroom where they visited stations enabling them to learn more about Labelmaster Packaging, Books, Labels & Software Solutions.

Early Highlights from DGIS VIII: Day 1

Title: Trainers and Radioactive Materials: What You Really Need to Know Presenter: Andy Ambrost – Ecology Services Content Overview: This year’s subject specialty is Class 7 Radioactive material.  From consumer commodities to medical equipment, Class 7 can’t be ignored

Aerosols: Is Further Harmonization Needed?

With so much focus over the years on harmonizing the dangerous goods regulations, one commodity that can definitely benefit from a focused review is the entry for aerosols.  This is particularly a concern relative to U.S. regulations, where the definition for aerosols is not aligned with the international definition.  In §171.8 of the Hazardous Materials

PHMSA Publishes Long-Awaited HM-215L Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Harmonization the Hazardous Materials Regulations with International Standards

The DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published the long-awaited HM-215L Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) today. The NPRM proposes a number of amendments to align the Hazardous Materials Regulations; 49 CFR Parts 171-180 (HMR) with the latest editions of the United Nations Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (17th revised

Changes to 2012 Emergency Response Guidebook Now Available

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) recently posted its summary of changes to the 2012 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG). The ERG is revised every four years in order to accommodate new product introductions, technology updates and regulatory changes.  The following is the list of modifications to the 2012 ERG as provided by PHMSA:

Newest Version of RegStick Features Multi-Publication Access, Improved Performance

Labelmaster recently rolled out RegStick™ 2.0, an update of our novel electronic solution that provides up-to-date regulatory publications on a portable USB drive. This new release contains several innovative features that improve the RegStick experience: Our library of RegStick regulatory publications is now available from a single stick. Instead of purchasing individual sticks for each

Recent Changes to US Hazard Communication Requirements for Labels, Placards and IBCs

On July 20, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published final rule HM-218F, which adopted various amendments to the U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations in order to update and clarify certain regulatory requirements. By implementing these amendments, PHMSA hopes to: promote safer transportation practices; eliminate unnecessary regulatory requirements; finalize outstanding petitions for rulemaking; facilitate
