Tag Archives: Hazmat/Dangerous Goods

Canadian Pacific Railway Continues Court Action on Lac Megantic Train Disaster Settlement

In continued litigation tied to the horrendous oil train derailment and subsequent fatal explosions and fires in Lac Megantic, Quebec in 2013, Class One railway Canadian Pacific (CP) announced that it would continue to seek protection from liability and ask for voiding court action in reference to the $432 million dollar (Canadian) settlement recently agreed

When You Violate DG Shipping Regulations, Fines Can Stack Up

Having mislabeled or incorrectly marked cargo could mean delayed shipments and fines from violations. And with ever-changing rules and regulations, things can get complicated. We can help. We have complied a list of seven types of common violations and how you can avoid them: www.labelmaster.com/common-violations

Identifying Non-hazardous Materials Effectively for Transport

The United States Department of Labor’s (USDOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a major revision to the regulations governing hazard communication in the US 29 CFR 1910.1200 in May of 2012.  The revision, which in large measure conformed US hazard communication standards, or the HCS, to those of the United Nations Globally Harmonized

US DOT/PHMSA Issues Interpretation Letter Regarding Class 9 Labels and Placards

In the July 20th, 2011 edition of the US Federal Register, the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published a final rule under [Docket No. PHMSA–2009–0151 (HM–218F)] under which the agency, among many other things, set forth new specifications and requirements governing the appearance of the Class 9

USDOT/PHMSA Issues New Special Permit Actions

The United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) today issued an end-of-the-fiscal-year listing of actions pertaining to Special Permits, including those applied for, those granted or withdrawn, and those modified. A variety of subjects are addressed, including issues affecting the transport of explosives, batteries, testing of UN Spec cylinders,

The Sky is NOT The Limit When Shipping DG

It’s been a busy summer for our A.I.R. ShipperTM authoring team. Rolling in the large number of changes developed by ICAO, the UN and the IAEA was a challenge made more difficult with very late changes for lithium metal batteries. In case you hadn’t heard, these will be banned aboard passenger aircraft per the ICAO Technical

USDOT/PHMSA Releases NPRM on Special Permit and Authority Approval Procedures for Fireworks Policies

In the September 24th 2014 edition of the US Federal Register, the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published two clarifications of their fireworks policies under Docket #’s PHMSA-2013-0205; Notice No. 14-4 and 14-5 in which the agency sets forth acceptable criteria for defining for classification purposes both

US Federal Railroad Administration Issues Proposed Rulemaking to Codify Emergency Order 28 of August 2013

At approximately 1:15 AM EST on July 6th, 2013, a unit freight train of the cross-border operating Montreal, Maine, & Atlantic Railroad (MM&A) loaded with crude oil from the Bakken Shale Formations in North Dakota in the western United States suffered a failure of its automatic and manual braking systems while left unattended and presumably

USDOT/PHMSA Releases Call for Comments on 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook

In the September 2nd, 2014 edition of the US Federal Register, the United States Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) published an initial call for comments and suggestions in reference to the upcoming revision and publication of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), due out in 2016. The book is revised
