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Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of November 15th, 2021

  Week of November 15th, 2021 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance The past year and a half has highlighted the critical role the supply chain plays in our daily lives. It has also showcased the need for further investment – both as an industry, entire countries and within individual organizations. Let’s examine

DG Digest: PHMSA to suspend LNG transport in rail tank cars; OSHA to require proof of vaccination (or weekly testing) in January

The first full week of November is wrapping up with the release of OSHA’s long awaited Interim Final Rule in reference to COVID vaccine and/or testing mandates in the workplace. The measure is not without controversy. However, here we’ll only cover the rule’s contents. People doubtless have their own opinions in reference to the rule.

Webinar: Can technology help you survive today’s supply chain?

In times like these, your shipping operation really can’t afford any stubborn inefficiencies. The capacity of the global supply chain is strained to its limits. Unpredictable disruptions happen every day. It’s never been harder to find qualified workers. And peak holiday shipping season is here, which makes all of the above even scarier. If your

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of November 1st, 2021

  Week of November 1st, 2021 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance Finding ways to get goods to customers continues to be a major focus for business. But the challenges go beyond just capacity constraints and port congestion; it’s knowing also knowing how to ship those goods safely and compliantly.  Let’s examine some
