As we move into the first full week of October, it’s good to note that across much of the country, this week is Fire Prevention Week. While all of us are concerned with the ongoing pandemic and responses to it, we should all bear in mind that all of the other, and more typical hazards…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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What we can learn from regulatory updates at the DG Symposium
On one level, regulatory update sessions at the 2020 Dangerous Goods Symposium are for true DG diehards—the trainers and shipping managers who have to know hazmat regulations in detail to keep their clients and operations compliant. But even if your job only occasionally touches the Dangerous Goods supply chain, you can still gain valuable insight.…
DG Digest: OSHA to submit ICR on handling of Ethylene Oxide
Welcome to fall! Let’s all hope the new season brings progress on our nation’s efforts to cope with the pandemic, and that the cooler weather helps with the wildfires on our West Coast and brings an end to what has been a very active Atlantic hurricane season. 2020 has just kept coming! We hope you…
Supply Chain Moves: Week of September 28th, 2020
Week of September 28th, 2020 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Technology innovation continues to impact the hazmat supply chain in a wide range of ways. Whether it’s leveraging new solutions to improve operations or having to adopt new processes to keep pace with emerging shipping challenges that come as a result of…
An explosive finish to Lithium Battery Week at the 2020 DG Symposium
The final two sessions of Lithium Battery Week at the 2020 Dangerous Goods Symposium were explosive, in different ways. One session featured carriers, regulators, industry reps and top trainers squaring off on the hottest topic in hazmat transport, and other featured video of batteries actually blowing up. Here’s a brief recap. Let’s watch lithium batteries…
DG Digest: Transport Canada releases extensions to COVID-19-related exemptions
The last full week of the summer was a quiet one in the regulatory world, with the action centered on a set of Transport Canada extensions of COVID related regulatory exemptions. See below for those details. Meanwhile, let’s all keep working to help keep our employees and families safe by continuing to follow the recommendations…
Who’s charged up? It’s Lithium Battery Week at the 2020 DG Symposium!
Over the years, the most popular day of the Dangerous Goods Symposium has been Lithium Battery Day. Everyone’s favorite Class 9 Miscellaneous material always seems to make the most news, stir up the most controversy and inspire the most teeth-gnashing. This year, with the Symposium taking place virtually at the new DG Exchange, we were…
DG Digest: IATA releases ‘list of significant changes’ to the 62nd DGR
The week just ended featured a federal holiday. As is often the case at such times, it was extremely quiet in a regulatory sense. However there was one important exception to that from our international partners; the IATA released its “List of Significant Changes” to the Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) in the coming 62nd Edition. That edition becomes…
Supply Chain Moves: Week of September 14th, 2020
Week of September 14th, 2020 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance Advancements in technology continue to change the way supply chains operate. But when it comes to transporting dangerous goods, there’s a greater number of risks and compliance factors that must be considered. To help companies keep a pulse on technology trends impacting…
Want regulatory updates? The 2020 Dangerous Goods Symposium is underway!
With a pastry and a cup of coffee on your desk, the first session of the 2020 Dangerous Goods Symposium felt a lot like previous years. Two regulatory experts were speaking, and trying to take in all the information they shared was like drinking from a firehose. Of course, this year’s Symposium isn’t like other…