Tag Archives: DG Transport

Hazmat pros—with HM-215O coming, how do you spell “harmonization?”

Hazmat pros—with HM-215O coming, how do you spell “harmonization?”

Last week we shared transatlantic viewpoints on confidence in Dangerous Goods compliance. This week, our experts talk about harmonization between Europe and North America. The supply chain is more global than it’s ever been. Yet Dangerous Goods regulations still vary from country to country. The differences in hazmat regulations between Europe and North America are—thankfully—nowhere

FAA Reauthorization Legislation Focused on Lithium Batteries

Bob Richard and Neil McCulloch co-contributed to this article.  When a US Senator proposes to spend tax dollars on a committee to “promote research and new standards for the safe manufacture, use or transportation of lithium batteries,” I can only sigh in frustration. This is exactly what was recently proposed by Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.. 
