Author Archives: Nikki Burgess, CDGP, DGSA

DG Digest: OHSA corrects minor mistakes to the Incorporation by Reference for Maritime

DG Digest: OHSA corrects minor mistakes to the Incorporation by Reference for Maritime

The year keeps speeding by; here we are entering October.  The pandemic keeps speeding through as well, unfortunately.  Let’s all keep doing our part to limit its impact on the health of ourselves, our families, and our co-workers.  We can end this thing if we work together.  The week past was very quiet in a

DG Digest: PHMSA announces virtual Research, Development & Technology Forum – starting October 12, 2021

Amazingly enough, we’ve just finished the last weekend in September.  Where does the time go?  Cooler fall weather is beginning to settle in across the country; now is a great time to start thinking about your company’s cold weather plans for things like snow clearance, keeping walkways safe, and making sure heaters, boilers, and furnaces

DG Digest: PHMSA reinstates pandemic relief of test & recertification of pressure cylinders; IMO releases chart outlining current and future IMDG Code amendments

Hopefully, everyone has had a chance to enjoy all or part of the ongoing Labelmaster Dangerous Goods Symposium. As usual, the employees creating and coordinating the event are doing their amazing best. Many thanks to them, to all of the speakers, and to everyone participating. (You can register for this week’s sessions here.) Hopefully, next year’s event can

DG Digest: Biden directs OSHA to develop vaccine mandate – or weekly testing – for employees in organizations with more than 100 employees

Here we are rolling around into mid-September already. The fall season brings its own joys and challenges, one of which is the earlier coming of nightfall—before too long, many workers may be heading home at day’s end in darkness. Make sure your workplace has a plan in place to keep doorways, parking lots, and walkways free of

DG Digest: Agencies Publish Semi-annual Regulatory Agendas

The nation enters August with a resurgent COVID-19 pandemic driven by the Delta variant of the virus.  As DG/HSE professionals committed to safe practices, let’s all work together to remain aware of any changed policies in our local jurisdictions—they may differ significantly from place to place—and be ready to help our employers with understanding and
