June kicks off the summer vacation season for many people. As HSE professionals it’s important for us to help our fellow employees deal with the “short staffing” that sometimes occurs as vacation times impact workplace operations. Let’s make sure that we remind our colleagues not to cut corners on safety and normal precautions to keep…
DG Digest: OSHA to hold virtual public meetings in advance of International meetings this summer.
The Labelmaster Family joins all Americans in taking time to recall and honor those who have fallen in our nation’s defense, and to hope for a time when violence and bloodshed, regardless of where it takes place, will no longer be considered an acceptable means of human interaction. Here’s the latest regulatory news: PHMSA The…
DG Digest: PHMSA published final rule that its employees can refer relevant potential criminal acts to DOT Inspector General
Here we are in Mid-May already! Where does the time go? Hopefully everyone is enjoying the warming spring weather and looking forward to the coming summer season. As HSE professionals, remember that it’s our job to have a solid heat plan in effect to help protect our fellow employees from any heat-related illnesses. It will…
DG Digest: Supply Chain Shortages Force PHMSA to Relax Some Rules for Sealing Tapes
Sunday was Mother’s Day, and the Labelmaster joins to wish all those hard-working Moms out there the credit they deserve. We hope you had a great and special day and a wonderful year coming up! Here’s the latest news from the last two weeks: PHMSA The agency published a notice of discretionary enforcement allowing inspectors to take…
DG Digest: PHMSA Lithium Battery Air Safety Advisory Committee to meet on May 4th, 2022
The third week of the month was a bit of a “post-holiday” period, apparently, at least among the regulatory bodies. It was pretty quiet. As such, it’s a small digest this week, although PHMSA announced a meeting dealing with lithium batteries—always a popular subject of interest. Here’s the latest news. PHMSA The agency announced a…
DG Digest: FMCSA seeks to add ‘Safe Driver Apprentice Program’ training for CDL drivers
It’s mid-April already! Hopefully, everyone had an opportunity to enjoy the holiday weekend. Let’s hope that April showers are busy bring spring flowers to us in May. Meanwhile, it was a pretty quiet regulatory week. Here’s the latest news: PHMSA The agency published its latest set of special permit actions, covering what one might call the “usual…
DG Digest: PHMSA Publishes Q2 Newsletter; OSHA to Invite Stakeholders to Meet on Heat-related Worker Hazards
The first full week of April found a number of interesting regulatory items. We’ll cover them all below. Meanwhile, April tends to be the lead-in month for much of the stormy springtime weather that many sections of our country experience. Be sure that your workplace severe weather plans are up to date and employees know…
DG Digest: OSHA proposal would require some employers electronically submit injury and illness information to the agency
Regulatorily speaking, March goes out a bit like the proverbial lamb, with a quiet week featuring little in the way of fresh news. Sometimes it’s good to have a break! Meanwhile, April is here with improving Spring weather, so hopefully our readers will all have a chance to enjoy a little more time outside with warming days…
DG Digest: PHMSA to publish FAQs for Hazardous Materials Regulations on their website
Heading into the end of the month of March, we find that PHMSA is releasing an interesting new feature for DG shippers—a “Frequently Asked Questions” list related to some of its Letters of Interpretation or LOI. Looks like the agency is trying to avoid some of the inevitable repetition that occurs with stakeholders ending up asking…
DG Digest: U.S. DOT adjusts civil penalties for inflation
Welcome to Spring! I’m sure that we’re all glad to start putting the winter behind us. As our workplaces begin to transition to warmer weather, as HS&E professionals let’s be sure that any damage to things like outdoor break or lunch areas gets taken care of before our fellow employees start to use them more heavily…