It’s mid-February, and hopefully everyone had a chance to enjoy the spirit of the Valentine’s Day Holiday. We can all be grateful for loved ones. Keep doing your part to help keep them safe. The week’s biggest news was easily the late in the week publication of a proposed revision to the nation’s Hazard Communication Standard or…
DG Digest: Buttigieg confirmed to run DOT, new IATA portal offers guidance for vaccine shippers.
The nation enters the second week of February with vaccination efforts against the COVID-19 virus still accelerating. It’s going to be a long slog to the end of this massive project, but we’re on the road. If your workplace is planning on engaging with health authorities in terms of assisting your workforce, now’s the time to get…
DG Digest: OSHA updates workplace Covid-19 guidance and the FAA updates its ‘DRS’ database
Today marks the first day of February—already! As veterans of the election transition process may have expected, the last week of the month featured a fairly quiet regulatory scene as one result of the new administration taking over in Washington, DC. It’s common after a change in administrations for things to get a little slow…
DG Digest: See the significant changes to Amendment 40 of the Covid-19-delayed IMDG Code.
The last full week of the month begins with a new administration in place in Washington. On the DG front, PHMSA will continue business as usual for now. What impact (or not) the new political environment may have on our industry community’s specific interests remain to be seen. The Senate is currently working on the…
DG Digest: PHMSA releases special permit applications, FMCSA gives more leeway for use of corrective eyeware
The nation moves into Inaugural Week with the ongoing struggle against the pandemic still very much front and center. Let’s all be sure we keep our noses to the grindstone and keep doing everything we can to help limit the continuing spread of the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, we’re now in the heart of the winter…
DG Digest: US DOT & Sub-agencies Publish Civil Penalties for 2021
Despite our hopes for a smoother start, the second week of the new year found the nation facing not only the ongoing pandemic but also unprecedented political turmoil in Washington, DC. However as Dangerous Goods/EHS Professionals, it’s our job to keep looking forward to better times and to make sure we all do our part…
DG Digest: IATA publishes addendum to the 62nd DGR
Happy New Year! Hopefully everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and is ready to dive in to what we all fervently hope will be a much better 2021. Although the pandemic continues to “suck all the air from the room” safety wise, don’t forget that the nation is now in its coldest stretch…
The last week of 2020 (hooray!) sees important relief from FMCSA and the end of the ORM-D mark
What has been one of the most difficult years in our nation’s modern history finally comes to an end later this week. It is likely none of us will be unhappy to see 2020 in our rearview mirrors. Meanwhile, although the vaccines currently being distributed will eventually help put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic,…
DG Digest: IATA issues guidance for vaccines and other pharmaceuticals
The week finds the nation now in the middle of the very heart of the holiday season, but the usual “regulatory slowdown” we often see at this time of year is definitely not in effect. Several actions of note appear this week. Meanwhile, the pandemic continues to rage, although vaccine shipments are now underway and give…
DG Digest: PHMSA extends relief for rules on some hand sanitizer, FRA will require 40 states to develop plans that mitigate crossing risks
Mid-Month December saw PHMSA act to bring back part of the hand sanitizer exemptions that had expired on Halloween; details are below, but it’s important to note that the “new” (reinstated) exemption applies only to subject sanitizers manufactured PRIOR to the original expiration date. Many shippers have moved on from there and are simply shipping…