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Competency-based hazmat training: What you need to know for 2023

On January 1, 2023, new IATA provisions will come into effect that mandate a competency-based training and assessment (CBTA) approach for Dangerous Goods training. What is CBTA, and what does it mean for your operation? That’s why we’re here! Competency-based training has been a hot topic of conversation for several years in the hazmat shipping

Supply Chain Moves: Week of November 14th, 2022

  Week of November 14th, 2022 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance Keeping goods moving safely, compliantly and on time — even when disruptions arise and demand surges — is imperative for businesses. That’s why so many are placing greater emphasis on supply chain resilience.       Let’s examine some recent industry news. SUPPLY CHAIN

DG Digest: PHMSA International Division holding meetings this week to discuss ICAO papers in advance of UN Subcommittee of Experts later this month

November is here and with it comes the acceleration of the approaching holiday season. Many employees will be starting to think about holiday gatherings, shopping, time away from work, and other things that may take their minds off safety. As HSE professionals, let’s all make sure we help our fellow employees enjoy a safe and

Supply Chain Moves: Week of October 31st, 2022

  Week of October 31st, 2022 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance The holidays are just around the corner and shippers, carriers and consumers all have their eyes on the supply chain and getting goods to shoppers.     Let’s examine some recent industry news. SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS This Black Friday Promises the Gift of

6 ways Capsuloc™ secondary hazmat containers can make your operation more efficient

No one really likes paint can-style secondary hazmat containers, but we’ve been putting up with them (and all their related headaches) for decades. Why? Because there hasn’t been a better alternative. Now there is. New Capsuloc™ finally gives Dangerous Goods shippers an alternative to the paint can, and lots of shippers are already kicking the

DG Digest: CVSA and Federal Inspectors cite 1,700 truckers for hazmat violations in June ‘blitz’.

Mid-October already—where does the time go? Hopefully, everyone is enjoying a pleasant fall season. As the cold weather begins, be sure your workplace is ready. Many businesses use this “not quite there yet” time to do things like make sure their snow removal vendors are contracted for the season, so if this impacts your operation,

Supply Chain Moves: Week of October 17th, 2022

  Week of October 17th, 2022 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance Since the start of the pandemic, there has been a lot of talk about the “new normal.” As we head into 2023, there is greater discussion about what the global supply chain will look like moving forward.    Let’s examine some recent
