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Distilleries making hand sanitizer? Hooray! Here’s how to ship it safely.

Among all the dire news surrounding the COVID-19 crisis, there’s one story that’s lightened a lot of people’s moods: distillers of alcoholic beverages (including several in the Chicago area) switching over some of their production to make desperately needed hand sanitizer. We love this story because: Supplies of hand sanitizer have been running low at

DG Digest: PHMSA temporarily relaxing recurrent training certificate requirement, HHS announces list of scarce materials threatened by hoarding

The COVID-19 crisis commands most of the week’s regulatory news.  As the world continues to work through its response, the weekly DG Digest will continue in its present format during the crisis: one section devoted specifically to news related to the pandemic, with other news in a separate section.  Labelmaster remains fully operational and serving

Labelmaster Supply Chain Moves

Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 30 2020

Week of March 30th, 2020 Linking technology news with Dangerous Goods compliance The impact of COVID-19 on the supply chain has put a spotlight on the importance of having adequate technology, infrastructure and processes to adapt to unexpected changes, ensure safety and comply with the latest regulations – a reality dangerous goods shippers face every

DG Digest: vital transport, extra hand sanitizer, critical infrastructure workforce — agencies respond to the global pandemic

As readers have no doubt already guessed, the global response to the COVID-19 outbreak dominates this week’s regulatory news, with a widening variety of actions now being promulgated to assist the transport industry in coping with the unprecedented situation.  Labelmaster has been designated as an essential business in this circumstance and will continue to operate. 

DG Digest: ICAO/IATA and ADR react to the pandemic, FRA seeks comments on quarterly PTC form

As all of our readers know, the COVID-19 pandemic is now dominating the news and is affecting transport worldwide and well beyond impacts to private travelers. Its overall impact to industry and trade remains to be seen, but as dangerous goods professionals it’s our responsibility to keep things moving safely during this unsettled time. Let’s
