Technology articles

How hazmat shipping automation helps you find hidden demand (and revenue).

How hazmat shipping automation helps you find hidden demand (and revenue).

Can automating your operation with hazmat shipping software really help you increase your revenue? The simple answer is “Yes.” Advanced software such as our Dangerous Goods Information System (aka DGIS) can give you the speed and efficiency to execute more hazmat shipments every day. And more shipments equals more revenue, right? Sure, we know it’s

Faster than coffee: Automating hazmat shipping with DGIS software

Why do so many people love single-serve coffee makers? Because they make a complex process simple and fast. That’s also why many hazmat organizations use advanced automation software. Dangerous Goods transport is one of the most complex processes in modern industry. Automation solutions that make hazmat shipping simpler and faster are essential for keeping your

Full Dangerous Goods automation: How to integrate your ERP, WMS or TMS with DGIS

If your weekly grocery shopping includes both meats and produce, life’s a lot easier if you can buy them at the same store. If your exercise regimen includes both weight work and swimming, life’s a lot easier if your health club includes a weight room and a pool. And if your operation ships both non-regulated

Prescription for Dangerous Goods anxiety? Use DGIS hazmat software regularly!

Ever wish you could take a pill that would instantly help you feel better about your hazmat shipping operation—and life in general? Unfortunately, there’s no such pill. But there is DGIS. Our DGIS solution—a.k.a. Dangerous Goods Information System—can relieve the acute anxiety you may feel about your company’s hazmat processes. If you’re depressed about outdated

Raise your confidence—and your performance—with Dangerous Goods automation

Every year, our Global Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook surveys supply chain professionals from around the world and shares the results. It’s an important resource for any organization in the hazmat supply chain. Why do supply chain leaders care so much about confidence? Two reasons: (As evidence of #2, one result from the 2022 DG Confidence

Make supply chain disruptions less disruptive—with Dangerous Goods automation

The global supply chain has seen enough disruptions over the last couple of years to last a lifetime. A worldwide pandemic. Labor shortages. Material shortages. Unstoppable eCommerce demand. A container ship wedged across the Suez Canal for weeks. A war in Europe. Massive fuel cost increases. And don’t look now, but labor conflicts, severe weather

ShipERP customers get real-time UN code validation with DGIS integration

How many different materials go into a modern, high-end sports car? A few hundred? Maybe a thousand? Actually, it’s orders of magnitude larger than that—10,000, 20,000 or more. Let’s say ten percent of those are classified as Dangerous Goods. There’s probably a lot of overlap, but you’re probably talking about several hundred different UN numbers,

How to grow your hazmat shipping operation during a labor shortage

The labor shortage that began during the pandemic shows few signs of easing. Some experts say hiring challenges will persist for years, and the global supply chain will continue to struggle to find and retain workers. For supply chain organizations, worker shortages hurt two ways—delays from your shorthanded supply chain partners, and the difficulty of
