If you’re a Dangerous Goods professional, just keeping up with changing regulations can be a full-time job. But you also have to make sure all your team members are compliantly trained, and you might even have to prove to your upper management (over and over again) that hazmat compliance is an area that justifies serious…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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DG Digest: IATA to Explore New Limits on Some Lithium Battery Shipments and the FBI Issues IRC under The Bioterrorism Act
As busy holiday preparations overtake most of the country—have you finished YOUR shopping?—the regulatory scene remains relatively quiet in terms of “heavy hitters,” although quite a few items of interest certainly did pop up this week. Perhaps the recently concluded UN meetings in Geneva will lead to increased action in the new year—if so, we’ll…
Don’t use hazmat software? Here are some things you might need
Of all the shocks in our 2017 Global Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook, the biggest might have been this one: 26% of DG pros say they use no DG software – they use manual processes for any hazardous materials they ship or handle. Since we offer DGIS, the most sophisticated hazmat software available, we’d like to…
DG Digest: IATA releases updated checklist to compliment the 59th DGR
As we roll into the holiday rush period, regulatory activity continues to be fairly slow—more time for all those last minute holiday projects, shopping, or travel, perhaps! Be sure that whatever you do, you do it safely—holidays tend to make us a bit less careful as we all get busier. At any rate—here’s what’s happening…
Remember these disasters? “Dang Good” training made sure they never happened.
This post is adapted from a presentation given at the 2017 Dangerous Goods Symposium by Gene Sanders, founder and manager of W.E. Train Consulting. Since we can abbreviate the words “hazardous materials” to “hazmat,” I say we shorten “Dangerous Goods training” to “Dang Good training.” It saves time, and it describes what we trainers hope…
DG Digest: PHMSA Proposes Elimination of M- & R-Number Approvals and IATA Addresses PED’s in Passenger Aircraft Cabins
This week brings the Thanksgiving Holiday. On behalf of the Labelmaster family, please allow me to wish you a safe, peaceful, and happy Thanksgiving. We hope you spend it surrounded by those you care about. The week’s regulatory news was fairly sparse. Here’s the latest: PHMSA The agency is acting to streamline the way it…
Hey hazmat pros—what’s #1 on your 2018 Dangerous Goods wish list?
Back in 2016, if you’d asked people who ship lithium batteries and battery-powered devices what they wished for in 2017, they might have said “We wish there was a simple cardboard box that contained lithium battery fires without gels, pellets or heavy liners. Then we might be able to compliantly ship our products via commercial…
DG Digest: EPA to Scrap Obama ‘Clean Power Plan’ and DOT Expands Banned Drugs List
As the weather declines and the days shorten, we all spend more time indoors—time to make sure your HVAC systems are running safely. Each year, Carbon Monoxide poisoning takes an unfortunate toll, and a few simple checks can save lives. Inspect your home and workplace systems soon! This week’s regulatory activity was light; here the…
Fall meetings highlight changes in Dangerous Goods air transport
The fall season in odd-numbered years has traditionally been a busy time for people who handle Dangerous Goods by air, and 2017 was no exception. Consider this timetable: Labelmaster’s 12th Dangerous Goods Symposium, Chicago, Sept. 6–8 IATA’s Dangerous Goods Board, 111th meeting in Brussels, Sept. 18–21 IATA’s Lithium Battery Seminar in Barcelona, Oct. 3–5 ICAO’s…
DG Digest: TSA Expanding Biometric Data to Pre-Check Customers and OSHA Issues IRC on ‘Control of Hazardous Energy.’
Halloween has come and gone, and November is rushing right in with the holiday season just around the corner. Will regulatory activity speed up with the season? We’ll have to wait and see. Here’s what was new this week, with Information Collection Requests and meeting notices being the primary stories: OSHA The agency renewed an…