If you’re a Dangerous Goods professional, you believe in science, not superstition. You’d never go in for all that astrological nonsense, would you? Still, even DG pros want to know what the future holds in store. That’s why we created the Hazard Class Zodiac. Find your “sign” to learn everything about your personality, your ideal…
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DG Digest: China Transport Ministry Update, Battery Manufacturers Meet on OSHA, and RCC Webinar Information
Feb 9th – China In overseas news, the Transport Ministry of the People’s Republic of China has published new guidelines reinforcing the safety of handling of explosives, ammonia, and other materials of high concern at its ports of entry. The work comes after last summer’s deadly fire and explosions in the Chinese port city of…
10 strangest hazmat items in the 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook
Everyone in the Dangerous Goods business has at least one copy of the Emergency Response Guidebook nearby at all times, right? (If not, stop reading and click here right now!) But how many of us actually sit down and read it? Well, we did, and we discovered some hazmat items in the essential ERG that…
DG Digest: Star Wars criminal complaint, TDGR harmonization, and so much more!
The run-up to Valentine’s Day was not without interest in the world of Dangerous Goods and EH&S. Among the many highlights in a rather eventful week: February 9 The FRA issued a new rule regarding improved window glazing strength in all new locomotives and passenger carrying cars. The action comes as increased focus on railroad…
FAA Reauthorization Legislation Focused on Lithium Batteries
Bob Richard and Neil McCulloch co-contributed to this article. When a US Senator proposes to spend tax dollars on a committee to “promote research and new standards for the safe manufacture, use or transportation of lithium batteries,” I can only sigh in frustration. This is exactly what was recently proposed by Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.. …
DG Advisory Council tries to make sense of lithium battery provisions
Why would anyone choose to spend three days in Washington a few days after the city was shut down for the Storm of the Decade? That’s what 70 or so DG experts asked ourselves, before we got down to the serious business of the Dangerous Goods Advisory Council January quarterly meeting in Alexandria last week.…
DG Digest: PHMSA Hazmat R&D Meeting
February 4, 2016: PHMSA announces Hazardous Materials R&D public meeting The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS) will host a public meeting between March 23 and March 24, 2016, at the Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The OHMS will be presenting the…
How to speak “football”—a guide for the Dangerous Goods professional
Even the most dedicated Dangerous Goods professional can’t help but hear about football this time of year. Here’s a quick guide to a selection of football terms that sound like they could refer to the Dangerous Goods business. Study this list, and you’ll sound like you know what you’re talking about at that Big Game…
DG Digest: COSTHA to co-host 3rd UN Lithium Battery Working Group Meeting
January 27, 2015: COSTHA to co-host 3rd UN Lithium Battery Working Group Meeting with REACH and PRBA The Council on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles (COSTHA) will co-host the 3rd Session of the current United Nations (UN) Informal Working Group on Lithium Batteries in Bordeaux, France between March 30 and April 1, 2016. The preliminary…
ICAO Panel Moves to Ban Lithium Ion Battery Transport from Passenger Aircraft
ICAO’s Air Navigation Commission (ANC) has completed its review of the Dangerous Goods Panel’s 25th meeting and will be recommending to the Governing Council of ICAO that Lithium Ion batteries be prohibited from transport on passenger aircraft. The conclusion of the Commission was that the risks of these batteries in flight was currently “not adequately…