Tag Archives: EPA

DG Digest: US DOT & Sub-agencies Publish Civil Penalties for 2021

DG Digest: US DOT & Sub-agencies Publish Civil Penalties for 2021

Despite our hopes for a smoother start, the second week of the new year found the nation facing not only the ongoing pandemic but also unprecedented political turmoil in Washington, DC.  However as Dangerous Goods/EHS Professionals, it’s our job to keep looking forward to better times and to make sure we all do our part

DG Digest: PHMSA publishes HM-219C and IMO delays enforcement of Amendment 40-20

The week just finished saw the nation celebrate Thanksgiving and roll into the major stretch of the December holidays.  As we all await the end of what has been an enormously trying year, let’s focus on helping employees and the transport chain stay safe and in doing our part to help improve the nation’s continued

DG Digest: PHMSA relief exemptions for hand sanitizer expire & the EPA published the thirty-eighth update of Federal Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket.

The nation moves into November facing both a national election as well as, unfortunately, a resurgent pandemic. Let’s all stay calm, act responsibly, and do what we can to contribute to the safety and well being of our country. No matter how things go this Tuesday, in the end, we’re all in this together.  The week just

DG Digest: U.S. Agencies Publish Semi-annual Agendas & We Preview the 2021 Early 49 CFR

The end of August brings us to the transition to the autumn and in particular the coming Labor Day holiday.  With this year’s pandemic still weighing so heavily on our nation, let’s all remember to enjoy that holiday in accordance with the recommendations of our health experts. Employees may be planning their weekends too, and can

Beirut explosion reinforces need for hazmat storage safety

On August 4th, 2020, a massive explosion destroyed the port and devastated much of the city of Beirut, Lebanon, located on the Mediterranean Sea.  While only preliminary reports exist as of press time, indications are that the blast may have been the result of the detonation for causes yet to be determined of up to

DG Digest: Transport Canada provides regulatory relief for heath care workers and ICAO offers guidance for “iPACKS” amid pandemic.

Mid-July is here and the U.S. continues to struggle against a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s important for everyone to take all the actions they can to help protect themselves, their families, and their fellow employees as we all continue to work towards a resolution of this extraordinary circumstance. It was a moderately active week on
