Tag Archives: EPA

DG Digest: PHMSA to publish FAQs for Hazardous Materials Regulations on their website

DG Digest: PHMSA to publish FAQs for Hazardous Materials Regulations on their website

Heading into the end of the month of March, we find that PHMSA is releasing an interesting new feature for DG shippers—a “Frequently Asked Questions” list related to some of its Letters of Interpretation or LOI. Looks like the agency is trying to avoid some of the inevitable repetition that occurs with stakeholders ending up asking

DG Digest: PHMSA publishes latest round of Special Permits

It’s Valentine’s Day!  Hopefully there is something sweet in store for you and your family for it. Enjoy it! In a regulatory sense, mid-February finds things relatively “business-as-usual,” with some of the typical items promulgated over the last week. Here’s the latest: PHMSA The agency published it’s latest raft of Special Permit actions, with some of the typical

DG Digest: US Agencies Adjust Civil Penalties for 2022

As the week begins the nation honors the memory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Labelmaster family joins all Americans in recognizing the gigantic importance of Dr. King’s work and his lasting legacy. Mid-January finds the nation finished with the winter holidays and struggling with the inevitable resulting surge in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Many

Dangerous Goods 2021: Regulatory highlights and their implications for 2022

If 2020 was the year of the pandemic, the global supply chain may remember 2021 as the year of the capacity crunch. With the pandemic still impacting workforces and travel, a perfect storm of other factors combined with surging demand to disrupt supply chains as never before. The Dangerous Goods regulatory world, while naturally affected

DG Digest: PHMSA releases Lithium Battery Handling Guide in attempt to simplify disparate regulations across the U.S.

Did your workplace mark Fire Prevention Week? The annual reminder to take fire danger seriously is based on the anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire, which occurred 150 years this year from October 8th through the 10th in 1871 and destroyed a 3.3 square mile area—at that time, a span encompassing most of the city. The tragedy

DG Digest: PHMSA reinstates pandemic relief of test & recertification of pressure cylinders; IMO releases chart outlining current and future IMDG Code amendments

Hopefully, everyone has had a chance to enjoy all or part of the ongoing Labelmaster Dangerous Goods Symposium. As usual, the employees creating and coordinating the event are doing their amazing best. Many thanks to them, to all of the speakers, and to everyone participating. (You can register for this week’s sessions here.) Hopefully, next year’s event can

DG Digest: Agencies Publish Semi-annual Regulatory Agendas

The nation enters August with a resurgent COVID-19 pandemic driven by the Delta variant of the virus.  As DG/HSE professionals committed to safe practices, let’s all work together to remain aware of any changed policies in our local jurisdictions—they may differ significantly from place to place—and be ready to help our employers with understanding and

DG Digest: UN ADR Wraps Up 15th Meeting of the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

Spring arrived Saturday.  With it comes not only flowers but the hope of a looming end to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many workplaces are assisting interested, eligible employees with finding vaccination availability.  Eligibility criteria varies across the country on a state-by-state basis; if your workplace has an assistance program, be sure you’re ready to answer questions
