Tag Archives: Transport Canada

DG Digest: PHMSA to hold public meeting on 2020 ERG

DG Digest: PHMSA to hold public meeting on 2020 ERG

Sunday was Mothers’ Day; here’s hoping all the Moms out there got the “royal treatment.”  Thank you for all you do!  The week was a little busy in the regulatory sense; here’s all the latest: FAA The agency published a proposed new ICR that will affect the manufacturers of small unmanned aircraft (drones) and that

Client ID Database has DG Stakeholders North of the Border Facing a New Registration Requirement

Formal consultation (the equivalent in Canada to the familiar US “Comment period” for proposed rulemakings) has ended in Canada on a new proposal which, according to Transport Canada, will require stakeholders who will: import, offer for transport, handle or transports dangerous goods in Canada To register with Transport Canada under the identification database requirement.  The

DG Digest: USPS to require triple packaging for most liquids

The St. Patrick’s Day holiday found regulatory activity at moderate pace.  Perhaps the biggest news?  The US Post Office released its long awaited updated to the rules for shipping liquids in the mail.  See that, and all the latest news, right here: PHMSA The agency published three sets of special permit actions.  As is typically

DG Digest: PHMSA issues new special permits and Transport Canada proposes new fee program for packaging stakeholders

The last week found a few places around our country seeing their first snowfall of the season—mostly just dustings, but a reminder that we all need to prepare for the change that is coming.  Be sure your workplace safety plan is ready to protect your employees if snowy and icy walks, lots, and driveways are

DG Digest: while U.S. DOT prepares for a future with autonomous vehicles, FMCSA announces listening sessions for ‘hours of service’

The first week of October found things a little slower than the end of September was, what with all the significant change documents and other items of interest that came out last month.  Still, the cooler weather continues to bring “news you can use.”  Here it is: PHMSA The agency announced that on Tuesday, November

DG Digest: In a busy week for the agency, PHMSA pre-empts California’s new rule governing driver rest break periods

  PHMSA Interested in providing the agency with feedback on its service provision to the DG industry here in the U.S.?  Now’s your chance!  PHMSA has announced an information collection aimed at prompting just such data submissions from its clients—that’s us!  If you’ve been waiting to have your say and want to participate, here’s your

DG Digest: Multiple updates from FMCSA, including a new “Hazardous Materials Route Registry.”

The middle of August finds much of the nation blanketed in smoke from western wildfires. If your business is located in an area where this is an issue, be sure to take steps to protect your employees from breathing problems. Many people who are fine on average weather days struggle in poor quality air. If

Confident in your compliance?

Share your opinion—take our annual Dangerous Goods Confidence survey

Labelmaster, Hazardous Cargo Bulletin (HCB) and IATA partner to create the 2018 Dangerous Goods Confidence Outlook How do you keep up with changing hazmat regulations? How current are your DG shipping technology and infrastructure? And how severe should enforcement of hazmat violations be? Share your opinions about these issues—and many others—with the entire DG community!
