Author Archives: Labelmaster

18 fun facts you didn’t know about trucks, truckers and trucking

18 fun facts you didn’t know about trucks, truckers and trucking

In honor of National Truck Drivers Appreciation Week, here are a few fun facts you probably never knew about the people and machines who keep our economy moving: Trucks carry 73% of cargo (by weight) in the US. Of the 4 million shipments of Dangerous Goods every day, 94% are carried by trucks. Alexander Winton

Lithium battery discussion heats up Dangerous Goods Symposium Day 3

Sorry for the terrible choice of words. But when you’ve convened the world’s foremost experts in lithium battery shipping the same week the world’s largest smartphone maker recalls millions of units due to battery issues, it’s all we can do to not call the session “explosive.” Okay, we’re done now. Friday morning’s lithium battery panel

DG Symposium Day 2—live observations from LabelmasterFest!

This post comes to you fresh from the terrace of the stunning Loews Chicago Hotel. It’s LabelmasterFest, where more than 200 of the world’s foremost Dangerous Goods practitioners are enjoying a gorgeous evening with dinner, drinks and interactive, DG-related games. Way back this morning, Labelmaster VP of Marketing Rob Finn kicked the day off with fun facts

DG Symposium Day 1 leaves ’em wanting s’more

The world’s foremost Dangerous Goods professionals met today in Chicago to discuss the serious business of hazmat transport, and by 1:00 in the afternoon the place had the atmosphere of a campfire. Well, okay, there was no actual campfire. (What would OSHA say?) But there were s’mores on the tables—and, more important, there was storytelling. Because

Shipping damaged lithium batteries? Say hello to Special Permit Packaging!

Of all the headaches associated with shipping lithium batteries, the most acute of them might be return shipments of damaged or defective cells/batteries, or the equipment containing them. If that headache sounds familiar, we now have your ibuprofen. Based on a special permit from the U.S. Department of Transportation that grants relief from 49 CFR

One week until the 2016 Dangerous Goods Symposium. Watch last year’s video!

You have to be here,” says one of last year’s attendees. “You absolutely have to be here.” “Here” is the Dangerous Goods Symposium, the world’s foremost gathering of professionals from every corner of the Dangerous Goods galaxy. Shippers, trainers and regulators get together every fall to attend information-packed sessions, catch up on the latest news,

Lithium battery enforcement: We need a level playing field before new restrictions

Lithium battery enforcement: A level playing field will boost safety immediately

Neil McCulloch contributed to this article.  Monday’s press release from IATA, highlighting the problems and implications of non-enforcement of existing lithium battery shipping regulations, is both salutary and discouraging. Salutary, because we’ve long been on record as saying that comprehensive enforcement of existing regulations would have a larger impact on safety than enacting new regulations. Many other

Floor Signs

Design critic reviews Labelmaster’s floor sign collection

It’s not every day a renowned design critic reviews industrial design, let alone a subject as specialized as Dangerous Goods floor signs. But Stewart D. O. North is no ordinary critic. “Floor signs are the most visible line of defense in promoting workplace safety,” he said. “Some people seek the writing on the wall, some

Shouldn’t you have a Lithium Battery Advisor for everyday life?

Shouldn’t you have a Lithium Battery Advisor for everyday life?

Lithium battery shipping is complex and challenging, but Labelmaster’s Lithium Battery Advisor software makes it simple and stress-free. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a Lithium Battery Advisor for all your everyday challenges? Seriously. Think about how quickly lithium battery regulations have changed. Many shipments that not long ago required no special handling at
