Maybe you’re one of the hundreds of people who buy our jerricans and pails. After all, they’re indispensable for all kinds of liquid transport and storage purposes. But for all the times you’ve filled, emptied, shipped and stored jerricans and pails, we bet you’ve never stopped to ponder them. Well, we have, and we’ve…
DG Digest: EPA E-Manifest Fee Update & PHMSA Proposes Expanded OSRPs
EPA: Posts Proposed E-Manifest Fee Schedule Framework: The US EPA posted a proposed rule in the Federal Register on July 29, 2016, creating a framework for establishing a user fee schedule for its electronic hazardous waste manifest tracking and record keeping system (E-Manifest system). In addition, this rulemaking also includes minor amendments to the E-Manifest regulations…
The Dangerous Goods professional’s guide to the big Rio sports event
You may have heard about this humongous international sporting event starting in Rio de Janeiro next week. (We’re not allowed to use the O-word; for the duration of this article we’ll refer to the event as the HISE—Humongous International Sporting Event.) Here’s a quick guide to a selection of HISE terms that sound like they…
Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 6
Summary: The Elements of Compliant Packaging: Why hazmat packaging comes in so many different forms, configurations and sizes. Infographic: Your Guide to Retail Reverse Logistics, or, “How to Keep Returns from Coming Back to Haunt You” It’s July 2016. Do you know where your hazcom compliance stands? Every workplace in the US should now—in theory,…
Chemical company manager adopts hazmat spill kits for his family and home.
Your mother told you there was no use crying over spilled milk. But your mother probably didn’t manage shipping for a chemical company. “I hate spills,” says Dave, a shipping manager at a Midwestern chemical company who asked that his last name and employer not be revealed. “I do everything I can to prevent them,…
DG Digest: Pub 52 Updates and EPA Issues Correction
USPS Updates Publication 52 On July 21, 2016, the USPS posted notice in the Federal Register that USPS Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail will be revised effective August 4, 2016, to include revised standards for its hazardous materials Small Quantity Provision and will also add a new Excepted Quantity Provision. These updates align…
Infographic | Your Guide to Retail Reverse Logistics
For electronics companies in the e-commerce retail market, coordinating consumer returns of batteries and other hazardous materials can be a nightmare. Customers don’t know how to ship hazmat compliantly. In fact, they often don’t even know they’re shipping hazmat. And while recipients of non-compliant hazmat shipments (i.e., you) are not necessarily liable for mistakes made…
How will Brexit affect Dangerous Goods transport for the UK and Europe?
Like several of my Labelmaster colleagues, I’m an accredited DGSA, from DGAC’s SQA affiliated training program (No one can say Dangerous Goods is short of acronyms!) and hence well versed in the ADR. What those acronyms mean is that I’m somewhat knowledgeable about European Dangerous Goods regulations as they are applied in Great Britain. As…
This July 4th, why should Class 1 Explosives get all the attention?
July 4th is coming, and one hazmat class will once again monopolize the nation’s attention—Class 1 explosives. Sure, we all ooh and aah at our local fireworks displays. Many of us may even responsibly deploy firecrackers and mini-rockets during private celebrations. (It’s safe to say the bozos captured in videos like this one are not…
Hazmat legislation: TSCA reform proves Congress can still do its job
The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act—an overdue reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, better known as TSCA—has passed both houses of Congress. President Obama will soon sign it into law. This is obviously big news for the chemical industry, but it should be big news for all…