Author Archives: Labelmaster

11 places security seals are essential in Dangerous Goods

11 places security seals are essential in Dangerous Goods

11 places security seals are essential in Dangerous Goods

Seals Series, Volume 1 — If you’re in the Dangerous Goods business, you probably use security seals somewhere. Maybe lots of somewheres. But you might not realize how many ways and places DG professionals put seals to work. A closure device that can be opened only once can protect more than you might think. Locks

What's Your Hazard Class Zodiac Sign?

Infographic | Hazard Class Zodiac

If you’re a Dangerous Goods professional, you believe in science, not superstition. You’d never go in for all that astrological nonsense, would you? Still, even DG pros want to know what the future holds in store. That’s why we created the Hazard Class Zodiac. Find your “sign” to learn everything about your personality, your ideal

FAA Reauthorization Legislation Focused on Lithium Batteries

Bob Richard and Neil McCulloch co-contributed to this article.  When a US Senator proposes to spend tax dollars on a committee to “promote research and new standards for the safe manufacture, use or transportation of lithium batteries,” I can only sigh in frustration. This is exactly what was recently proposed by Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.. 

DG Advisory Council tries to make sense of lithium battery provisions

Why would anyone choose to spend three days in Washington a few days after the city was shut down for the Storm of the Decade? That’s what 70 or so DG experts asked ourselves, before we got down to the serious business of the Dangerous Goods Advisory Council January quarterly meeting in Alexandria last week.

DG Digest: PHMSA Hazmat R&D Meeting

February 4, 2016: PHMSA announces Hazardous Materials R&D public meeting The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) announced that the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS) will host a public meeting between March 23 and March 24, 2016, at the Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters in Washington, D.C. The OHMS will be presenting the

ICAO Panel Moves to Ban Lithium Ion Battery Transport from Passenger Aircraft

ICAO’s Air Navigation Commission (ANC) has completed its review of the Dangerous Goods Panel’s 25th meeting and will be recommending to the Governing Council of ICAO that Lithium Ion batteries be prohibited from transport on passenger aircraft.  The conclusion of the Commission was that the risks of these batteries in flight was currently “not adequately
