Week of April 4, 2022 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance It’s both an exciting and challenging time in the automotive industry as businesses are driving innovation forward while dealing with parts shortages and supply chain challenges. Let’s examine some recent industry news. SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS Auto Suppliers Call for Dialogue…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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Supply Chain Moves: Week of April 4, 2022
DG Digest: OSHA proposal would require some employers electronically submit injury and illness information to the agency
Regulatorily speaking, March goes out a bit like the proverbial lamb, with a quiet week featuring little in the way of fresh news. Sometimes it’s good to have a break! Meanwhile, April is here with improving Spring weather, so hopefully our readers will all have a chance to enjoy a little more time outside with warming days…
DG Digest: PHMSA to publish FAQs for Hazardous Materials Regulations on their website
Heading into the end of the month of March, we find that PHMSA is releasing an interesting new feature for DG shippers—a “Frequently Asked Questions” list related to some of its Letters of Interpretation or LOI. Looks like the agency is trying to avoid some of the inevitable repetition that occurs with stakeholders ending up asking…
DG Digest: U.S. DOT adjusts civil penalties for inflation
Welcome to Spring! I’m sure that we’re all glad to start putting the winter behind us. As our workplaces begin to transition to warmer weather, as HS&E professionals let’s be sure that any damage to things like outdoor break or lunch areas gets taken care of before our fellow employees start to use them more heavily…
Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 21, 2022
Week of March 21, 2022 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance In recent years, many conversations and headlines around the supply chain have also included the term “shortage.” From drivers to shipping containers and truck drivers to cardboard boxes and labels, supply chain-related shortages continue to impact businesses across a wide range…
For Women’s History Month: Women in the supply chain—past, present and future
Would today’s supply chain run more smoothly if we had more women in charge? The last couple of years may have been the most stressful period the modern supply chain has ever seen. Between the ongoing pandemic, the explosion of eCommerce, maritime misadventures, raw material shortages, labor shortages and other disruptions, it’s never been more…
DG Digest: FMCSA amends rule that CMV drivers submit list of traffic convictions annually to their employers
The coming week features St. Patrick’s Day! For most people it’s a chance for fun and a commemoration of our nation’s rich Irish cultural heritage. Be sure to celebrate safely! Here’s last week’s regulatory news: PHMSA The agency issued a new set of Special Permit actions last week. See the actions here: 2022-04944.pdf (govinfo.gov) 2022-04947.pdf (govinfo.gov) 2022-04948.pdf (govinfo.gov)…
Supply Chain Moves: Week of March 7, 2022
Week of March 7, 2022 Linking supply chain news with dangerous goods compliance The push towards greater automation and transparency within the supply chain has brought with it an increased focus on integration – between systems and partners. Let’s examine some recent industry news. SUPPLY CHAIN NEWS Supply Chain Integration Issues Costing 38% of…
DG Digest: FMCSA to increase commercial vehicle interior windshield size to accommodate on-board safety technology
The end of the first week in March finds the world watching a full-scale war in the heart of Europe. Exactly what impact that will have long-term beyond the obvious human tragedy remains to be seen, but short term, it is going to add many challenges to an already pandemic stressed supply chain. Labelmaster will do…
DG Digest: U.S. EPA proposes revised emission limits for facilities involved with lead acid battery manufacturing
It’s the last day of February—March rolls in tomorrow with its promise of the coming Spring. I’m sure all of us are ready after another winter battling the pandemic and now with the very troubled international situation taking shape in Europe. Let us all hope for better times soon. It was a quiet regulatory week; here’s…