The deadline for U.S. truck operators to replace paper logs with electronic logging devices (ELDs) is just a few weeks away. While many operators have already switched, others’ attitudes toward making the transition might best be described as “kicking and screaming.” We get it. Change is hard, and complying with yet another federal mandate can…
Embracing Sustainability in DG Packaging: A Path Forward
Shaping the Future of Dangerous Goods: 2024 DG Symposium Recap
The Best of the Best in the Dangerous Goods Industry: The 2024 DG Hall of Fame
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DG Digest: U.S. DOT Opens Comments on Draft Strategic Plans through 2022
If you are reading this on the regular distribution, then it’s Halloween Day. Happy Halloween! The Labelmaster family hopes that everyone enjoys the holiday safely. This is a two week digest to cover last week’s “skip,” however, activity remains quite low and as such, we have a fairly minimal report for you. Here’s what was…
Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 9
Summary: Volume 9 of the Dangerous Goods Report looks at an innovation that may change how we transport lithium batteries and battery devices, despite all the safety and regulatory hurdles involved. We also assess the unique challenges facing seven industries that ship Dangerous Goods, and review the eye-opening findings of our first-ever international DG compliance…
Mom, can I be a hazmat pro for Halloween?
One sunny morning in mid-October, Anne poured the milk for her kids’ cereal and asked, “Hey guys—what do you want to be for Halloween this year?” Seven-year-old Kyle said, “Spider Man!” Nine-year-old Jenna said, “Wonder Woman!” And eleven-year-old Zack said, “A hazmat professional!” “A hazmat professional?” Anne shut the refrigerator and peered at Zack. “Is…
Is Obexion the lithium battery shipping breakthrough we’ve been waiting for?
To the surprise of absolutely no one, lithium battery shipping once again dominated the agenda at the recent 2017 Dangerous Goods Symposium. The story, in a nutshell: There will continue to be more and more lithium batteries and battery-powered devices to transport, and transporting them safely and compliantly will continue to be challenging. The big…
DG Digest: PHMSA and the FRA to Publish Revised RIA in Response to FAST Act
Mid-October finds regulatory activity back at slow ebb, with action “nibbling at the corners” vice featuring heavy rulemaking. Hopefully everyone is getting a chance to catch up with their autumn chores—winter will soon be with us! Here’s this week’s news: PHMSA PHMSA and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) are publishing a revised Regulatory Impact Analysis…
DG Digest: PHMSA Suspends Parts of HMR in Puerto Rico and OSHA Publishes its Top 10 Violations for 2016
The first week of October has wrapped up and in contrast to the last week of September, things returned to the more typical quiet that has characterized regulatory activity in general since the advent of the new administration last January. Gives us all more time to rake leaves! Here’s the latest: Chemical Hazard & Safety…
Is your operation ready for a lithium battery device recall?
Chris Harvey is Director of Recall Solutions at Stericycle Expert Solutions. This post is based on the white paper Taking Charge: Effective Management of Lithium-ion Battery Recalls. With complex and rapidly shifting regulatory requirements, lithium-ion batteries and devices present one of the greatest challenges of all product recalls. As a manufacturer in this environment, it…
DG Digest: PHMSA Issues Pair of ICRs, USPS to Hold Webinar on LiBat Shipping, and BNSF Seeks O.K. to Use Drones
This morning’s blog finds our nation reeling from yet another senseless and horrific act of gun violence. As we mourn the most recent wave of victims, let us all hope that someday, peace and reason and hope will replace fear and ignorance and anger as the way that all of us choose to relate to…
Global survey demonstrates DG pros’ commitment to compliance
Can Dangerous Goods professionals make compliance a greater priority within their organizations? What’s holding them back? Those questions—and some intriguing clues to the answers—emerge in the results of the first-ever global survey of Dangerous Goods professionals. The survey, a joint effort of Labelmaster and Hazardous Cargo Bulletin, polled more than 400 hazmat pros in North…