To a certain degree, the “dog days” of summer do seem to be here; action in the regulatory sector last week was limited, the exception being two major rules implemented to impact the nation’s rail infrastructure, affecting both safety of operation and the carriage of flammable liquids. Here’s the week’s breakdown: FRA FRA announces…
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Changes to 58th Edition of the IATA DGR – A Synopsis
In late July, the International Aviation Transport Association (IATA) released a summary document in reference to the changes that will appear in the 58th edition of their Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR). This edition will become effective on January 1st, 2017. While many changes are of a minor or administrative nature, a number of significant…
Design critic reviews Labelmaster’s floor sign collection
It’s not every day a renowned design critic reviews industrial design, let alone a subject as specialized as Dangerous Goods floor signs. But Stewart D. O. North is no ordinary critic. “Floor signs are the most visible line of defense in promoting workplace safety,” he said. “Some people seek the writing on the wall, some…
DG Digest: Special Permit Delays, USPS Updates Pub 52, and the EPA’s New Tool
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Shouldn’t you have a Lithium Battery Advisor for everyday life?
Lithium battery shipping is complex and challenging, but Labelmaster’s Lithium Battery Advisor software makes it simple and stress-free. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a Lithium Battery Advisor for all your everyday challenges? Seriously. Think about how quickly lithium battery regulations have changed. Many shipments that not long ago required no special handling at…
9 things you might not know about jerricans and pails
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DG Digest: EPA E-Manifest Fee Update & PHMSA Proposes Expanded OSRPs
EPA: Posts Proposed E-Manifest Fee Schedule Framework: The US EPA posted a proposed rule in the Federal Register on July 29, 2016, creating a framework for establishing a user fee schedule for its electronic hazardous waste manifest tracking and record keeping system (E-Manifest system). In addition, this rulemaking also includes minor amendments to the E-Manifest regulations…
The Dangerous Goods professional’s guide to the big Rio sports event
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Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 6
Summary: The Elements of Compliant Packaging: Why hazmat packaging comes in so many different forms, configurations and sizes. Infographic: Your Guide to Retail Reverse Logistics, or, “How to Keep Returns from Coming Back to Haunt You” It’s July 2016. Do you know where your hazcom compliance stands? Every workplace in the US should now—in theory,…
Chemical company manager adopts hazmat spill kits for his family and home.
Your mother told you there was no use crying over spilled milk. But your mother probably didn’t manage shipping for a chemical company. “I hate spills,” says Dave, a shipping manager at a Midwestern chemical company who asked that his last name and employer not be revealed. “I do everything I can to prevent them,…