Tag Archives: FRA

The EPA has published new guidance related to the characterization of waste related to lithium batteries.

The EPA has published new guidance related to the characterization of waste related to lithium batteries.

It’s the first week of June and here comes summer! If you haven’t yet implemented your workplace’s summer heat illness and injury prevention program, now’s the time!  Heat stress and heat stroke are among the most common workplace illnesses and the summertime is the biggest period of the year where they tend to occur. Help

DG Digest: FRA calls special meeting of its Rail Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC) to examine the train derailment in Ohio

Welcome to Daylight Savings Time! It’s “that” week again, so as HSE professionals, it’s our job to be alert for employees that may be suffering from the disjointed reaction to the change “Spring Forward” in particular can engender for some people. Let’s make sure that no one suffers and injury because they feel a little

regulations regulatory

DG DIGEST: PHMSA Proposes Amendments to the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR)

March is here, and the beginning of meteorological spring. So, let’s all hope for a warm-up, and soon! Meanwhile, keep hanging in there. Winter safety time isn’t over just yet. Help keep your employees warm, dry, and on secure footing around your workplace. Here’s the latest regulatory news from a significant week of activity: PHMSA

DG Digest: PHMSA publishes public meeting schedule in advance of ICAO and UNSCOE TDG sessions; and U.S. agencies publish semi-annual regulatory agendas.

The end of February is here, but the grind of winter weather hangs on for a while et. Much of the country is battling snow and cold. Grit your teeth and hang in there—warmer days are coming. Meanwhile, be sure that your workplace keeps on top of snow removal, ice treatments, and keeping employees that

Do you know how to ship lithium batteries by air?

Important lithium battery updates: PHMSA final rules on air transport, and CPSC recommendations for devices and eBikes

Here we are in the midst of the winter holiday season! Hopefully, everyone is having a chance to throttle back a little and enjoy time with friends and family. Remember—don’t overdo it! Be safe while driving and doing all the once-a-year things that often happen at this time of the year. No one needs any

DG Digest: The FRA announced a meeting of the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee regarding safety issues including the transport of hazardous materials

It’s Thanksgiving week. The Labelmaster family takes this time to wish you and your families a safe, happy, and enriching holiday. Watch out for all that holiday shopping traffic! Here’s this week’s rather limited regulatory news: EPA The agency published a supplemental proposed rulemaking that modifies and clarifies its initial NPRM regarding the implementation of

DG Digest: PHMSA International Division holding meetings this week to discuss ICAO papers in advance of UN Subcommittee of Experts later this month

November is here and with it comes the acceleration of the approaching holiday season. Many employees will be starting to think about holiday gatherings, shopping, time away from work, and other things that may take their minds off safety. As HSE professionals, let’s all make sure we help our fellow employees enjoy a safe and
