March roars in like a lion and minces out like a lamb—so the old chestnut goes. In regulatory terms, however, March seems lamb-like from the get-go, continuing the recent trend of minimal activity. A revised hazardous waste manifest form livens things up a bit, however, if you are a CERCLA waste generator. Here’s all the…
DG Digest: PHMSA asks for renewal of IRC on shipping papers use and functionality
As the nation celebrated Mardi Gras last week and then got down to the business of waiting out the rest of the winter season (I know I’m tired of it!) another slowish week in the regulatory world unfolded. It did however see an information collection request from PHMSA about shipping papers—the first action other than…
DG Digest: PHMSA reinstates the definition of ‘specification package’
The Groundhog saw his shadow last week, so it looks like we’re in for more winter. Big surprise! However, at least it means we’re finally sliding downhill towards the spring. Things on the regulatory front in the US remain fairly quiet, but our Canadian friends are active, releasing a new round of proposals relating to…
DG Digest: Confluence of circumstances led to Lac-Megantic not guilty verdicts
Believe it or not, we’re already past mid-January and heading towards the home stretch of what is typically the most troubling weather month of the year across the country. Stay safe, stay warm, and keep your eyes on the calendar! Spring will come sure enough. Meanwhile, it was a fairly active week in the regulatory…
DG Digest: EPA Proposes Rule to Limit Federal Oversite of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Happy New Year, everyone! Here’s hoping that 2018 is a safe, successful, and productive year for you and your organization. Best of luck! As you may have already guessed, the period between the two major holidays was quiet in the regulatory sense, with only minimal activity. Here’s the latest: EPA The agency issued a proposed…
DG Digest: IATA releases updated checklist to compliment the 59th DGR
As we roll into the holiday rush period, regulatory activity continues to be fairly slow—more time for all those last minute holiday projects, shopping, or travel, perhaps! Be sure that whatever you do, you do it safely—holidays tend to make us a bit less careful as we all get busier. At any rate—here’s what’s happening…
DG Digest: TSA Expanding Biometric Data to Pre-Check Customers and OSHA Issues IRC on ‘Control of Hazardous Energy.’
Halloween has come and gone, and November is rushing right in with the holiday season just around the corner. Will regulatory activity speed up with the season? We’ll have to wait and see. Here’s what was new this week, with Information Collection Requests and meeting notices being the primary stories: OSHA The agency renewed an…
DG Digest: U.S. DOT Opens Comments on Draft Strategic Plans through 2022
If you are reading this on the regular distribution, then it’s Halloween Day. Happy Halloween! The Labelmaster family hopes that everyone enjoys the holiday safely. This is a two week digest to cover last week’s “skip,” however, activity remains quite low and as such, we have a fairly minimal report for you. Here’s what was…
Dangerous Goods Report | Vol. 9
Summary: Volume 9 of the Dangerous Goods Report looks at an innovation that may change how we transport lithium batteries and battery devices, despite all the safety and regulatory hurdles involved. We also assess the unique challenges facing seven industries that ship Dangerous Goods, and review the eye-opening findings of our first-ever international DG compliance…
DG Digest: PHMSA Suspends Parts of HMR in Puerto Rico and OSHA Publishes its Top 10 Violations for 2016
The first week of October has wrapped up and in contrast to the last week of September, things returned to the more typical quiet that has characterized regulatory activity in general since the advent of the new administration last January. Gives us all more time to rake leaves! Here’s the latest: Chemical Hazard & Safety…